2011年9月24日 星期六


外匯都跌 !
唔知是否要好似2008年咁, 只有美元升 ?

21 則留言:

Lisa 提到...

好彩分散投資, 可以好定心咁睇市 !
如果是全身家買入金銀, 一定訓唔著 !

Yan 提到...

金股匯樓 all fall

back to the era "Cash is King"

But holding 樓 get rental every month. 金 is for counter-inflation.

Lisa 提到...

係囉 !
租金都係港元 !
實金實銀是珍藏 :)

Lisa 提到...

痴線的, 金一晚跌足一百美元 @_@

Tat 提到...

Hi Lisa,
I think the silver may try to drop further to about $25-26 this range to find support but never thought that silver can drop about 18% within one day, too crazy=.=


Yan 提到...

Yan 提到...

Gold market too??

"現在在山頂,望落斷崖,心驚膽震,要到谷底尚遠,很難去估計斷崖多深? 但有排跌就是了。今次你唔化都要化了。"

旺旺 提到...

如果真係去雙底衰退, Cash is king.

金同銀睇圖, 睇底位, 即係好似恆指穿18000後, 去睇底位, 跟本大家都係得個估字, 因為重要支持已破.
對於我地這些剛加入金銀甲行列, 可以返去年頭價買貨, 係一件好事. 不過, 升勢已經破壞, 買貨真係唔使急.

honson 提到...




Lisa 提到...

有多餘錢, 買金銀好過去買紙資產 !

Master NLP 提到...

Lisa,昨晚的金銀真是跌到痴線,好似食左瀉藥咁. 我覺得值情似海潚時,乜都跌,只有美元升@_@

Lisa 提到...

大鱷直前在全球搶刧 !

Tat 提到...

What I learn during this market downturn is understanding the importance of the diversification. I suffer a huge loss from holding stocks only. Now I start to invest in different assets to balance my portfolio and DON'T USE MARGIN to do any speculation.

Lisa 提到...

就係啦, 所以我一定要新人去睇我寫的[投資金銀手冊] !
最好也睇完個[投資手冊], 是好有用的 !
一早已說過, 唔好借貸, 唔好買紙金銀, 唔好訓身用全個資產買 :)
乜投資都有風險的, 所以最怕就係見到人一入到來就說:我是中學生, 依家想買金, 應該買金幣還是買金條 ? @_@

honson 提到...



Cash is king一樣可以錯, 最重要都係變通同埋保持相當的現金流.

呢排咁多平機票, 趁美金反彈油價跌, 大家應該把握機會周圍玩下, 個人開心D, 清醒D, 先唔會做錯決定 :)

Tat 提到...


Yes, you are right and 投資手冊 is very useful. Now I plan how much on silver carefully every month so that buy happily when silver rise and sleep well when the price drops!!

Tat 提到...


The Cash flow management is also important when maintaining long-term investment and I am learning it :)

singwin 提到...

diversification? I don't know. If your are 100% in physical, why care about the short-term price movement? unless you diverisfy into other assets like stocks or paper assets that require you to liquid your physical to cover the loss.

Cash is king? I don't know. Maybe today it is. But for the last 10 years, it did nothing but lose value.
I recommend everyone to listen to Nigel Farage about the situation in EU http://www.kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2011/9/23_MEP_Nigel_Farage.html

Lisa 提到...

大家都好認同金價和銀價會繼續升的, 但短線回吐是不可避免 !
成為一個精明投資人, 一定要識風險管理的, 而每一個人有不同的管理方法 !
叫人全資買金銀是不智的, 因為到大回吐時, 好多人都會俾嚇到 !
我不嬲都是分散投資的, 而呢個方法對我來講係最好的方法 ! 可能將來金價大升, 手持100%黃金的人一定大富大貴, 但期間受的壓力一定好大 ! 所以我會放棄博大富的機會, 而只希望有小富, 但期間可以生活的輕輕鬆鬆 !

Lisa 提到...

有人以為全資買股票是致富道路, 有人以為全資黃金可以戰贏世界, 也有人以為全資整大個餅全資物業收租是最好的, 而我以為每樣都有才是最安心的 !

鬍鬚仔 提到...

LISA:每樣都有可以退休 lor.