2011年11月28日 星期一

Kiyosaki 富爸爸說 : I am a Silver bug


I’m a silver bug, so one year ago, I told my friends, this is when silver was $17.00, I said, “You better buy now, ‘cause you’re never gonna see it again.” So, $17.00 was the magic number to me. And so, they really missed it. Now, as far as above $50.00, I would say that’s probably a given and they don’t understand why they’re getting into this stuff. But, the reason they’re getting into it is because, like, our government’s ripping ‘em off, but they would rather have, you know, a government we trust. And, you know, what I’m sick of right now, personally, is I turn on Fox and I watch the news and all it is is these political shows talking as if these politicians, or whoever’s elected or not elected next year, is gonna make a difference. And they’re talking about taxing the rich. You know, what – that’s not gonna make any difference. And they keep talking about how these regulations impede entrepreneurs. Well, nothing impedes entrepreneurs. So, you know, really, what it is is the individual person really does have very little financial education. And so, right now, this market’s crushing ‘em and I’m afraid if they do nothing, they will be crushed. I have a lot of friends and family who are in very dire straits right now. And no matter how much I talk to them, you know, I say, “You should buy silver now. It’s your last chance”, they didn’t do anything and I think that’s the problem.

12 則留言:

honson 提到...

呢排成日睇到好多報導.都講到現在是:“You should buy silver now. It’s your last chance”,

其實"last chance"這時期,可以係 1個月,半年,一年,或3年都得架喎....

Lisa 提到...

已說過, 買實銀一定要預放十年八年, 所以我才會轉去炒銀幣 XDDDD !
銀磚和rounds, bullions 只會跟銀價上落, 所以要放倉底 !
上一層放自己喜愛的銀幣, 留俾自己和下一代, 而最上面放升值銀幣, 可以待價沽出 !
你的九色龍ebay 叫價九千幾 :)

honson 提到...


有一套4 Silver Rectangle Dragon 1oz coin set放售,


Lisa 提到...

一門生意的開始 :)

honson 提到...


旺旺 提到...

lisa. 咁最上層升值銀幣最近入左甚麼貨?
純粹8卦 XD

Honson: 一套? 卡卡。

Lisa 提到...

PM生肖幣囉 XD !

鬍鬚仔 提到...


Lisa 提到...

咁快就賺夠利潤 ?

鬍鬚仔 提到...


ket 提到...


是呀!好多怪人上網買賣的,我都是一個怪人 :P

鬍鬚仔 提到...

上網買野既唔一定係怪人,我都有經常上網 bid 野,我所指怪人唔係呢 d,唔好誤會,我指既怪人係一 d 唔知價但又不問價既走去 bid野既人,見到佢地有時 bid落 d 野,直情用二個字形容---超貴.
或者你會話,鬍鬚仔,你都開展呢盤生意,你唔係好喜歡呢 d 人咩,講真,係架,喜愛到不得了,可惜冇我份(吃不到的葡萄是酸的嘛,哈哈哈.....)