2012年5月17日 星期四


PM 好學唔學, 學中國政府加大發行量 !


The 2013 1oz Australian Kookaburra will be the first to have a mintage cap of 1 million coins.
The decision follows the expansion of the traditional 300,000 mintage to 500,000 for 2012. Despite the added availability, this year’s 1oz silver bullion coin sold out remarkably quickly and so we’ve taken the bold set of doubling the mintage.
There’s a feeling around the Mint that the 2013 artistry works particularly well. In fact it’s has been adjudged internally as one of the stand-outs from the entire program!
For me it recalls the classic two-bird designs of 1994 and 2001 but in the attractive style of Natasha Muhl who created the image for our acclaimed Australian Platypus platinum bullion coin.
Hopefully the market will agree and we’ll be interested in feedback via this blog when the time comes.
The 2013 Kookaburra design is due to be unveiled in mid-August, with availability via the website, bullion desk and international dealer network soon afterwards.
Stay tuned for the first glimpse of what promises to be a spectacular addition to the Australian Precious Metals Coin Program, which will also be celebrating the Year of the Snake in 2013.

16 則留言:

Chic Wong 提到...

又加? 好好賣咩之前, 30萬都賣哂? 又唔係好覺咁, 而家下下都話百萬, 世界難撈

Lisa 提到...

回Chic Wong,
2011和2012的已是由300,000加到去500,000, 而2013會去到 1,000,000
要睇當時銀價囉, 如果還是低會買3枚, 太貴就唔買啦 !

細芬女 提到...

咁先至好, 多啲人有2013, 想揾舊年份就難,咁我吔咪發囉...

Chic Wong 提到...

我買左2隻笑翠之前$35x,都有少少後悔, 貴又貴過人, 原來仲已經加到50萬, 越諗越唔抵, 哈哈, 而且無咩特別吸引我去儲呢隻~

猛虎勇士 提到...


Chic Wong 提到...

當初第一次買, 諗住每樣買兩隻樣樣有的嘛, 之後再買買下其他, 發現隻12笑翠同樹熊又貴又唔係好靚, 哈哈哈, 得兩隻, 算啦~

越買越知想要咩了~ 正路既, 要試過先知好與壞hehe

Charen 提到...

出到咁濫, 不買也罷!

猛虎勇士 提到...


猛虎勇士 提到...

買兩隻12年都差唔多700,不如加多少少買隻mintage 1000既rf.

猛虎勇士 提到...


Chic Wong 提到...

唉, 有早知..如果我早知, 買隻非洲象仲靚, 或者買10-11熊貓, 又或者買盧旺

起碼賞心悅目的~ 哈哈

Lisa 提到...

你會好後悔無買眼見的銀幣 XD !

猛虎勇士 提到...


Macy 提到...

之前有儲開笑翠鳥佢出幾多都不會去想,因為Macy只會買一隻來欣賞,嘻嘻 !!

猛虎勇士 提到...


Macy 提到...
