2015年8月26日 星期三

Devaluation Stunner: China Has Dumped $100 Billion In Treasurys In The Past Two Weeks

就如 Joe  說的, 中國先下手為強, 因為中國驚美國加息美債值會下跌, 所以禁低人民幣, 掉美債出街, 可以用貴美元換回多些平人民幣 !

所以呢個偷天換日遊戲不會是長遠設施 !

所以 Martin Amstrong 的 Big Bang, 就是美國加息時, 全世界沽美債的時候 ! 到時資金會流去美元和美股市, 真有點摸不到頭腦, 反而信到時金銀是寵兒 !


On August 11, China devalued its currency, and in the subsequent 3 days the onshore Yuan, the CNY, tumbled by some 4% against the dollar. Then, as if by magic, the CNY stabilized when China started intervening massively, only this time not through the fixing, but in the actual FX market.

This means that while China has previously been dumping reserves as a matter of FX policy, after August 11 it was intervening directly in the FX market, with the intervention said to really pick up after the FOMC Minutes on August 19, the same day the market finally topped out, and has tumbled into a correction since then. The result was the same: massive FX reserve liquidations to defend the currency one way or the other.

And yet something curious emerges when comparing the traditionally tight, and inverse, relationship between the S&P and the Treausry long-end: the drop in yields has not been anywhere near as profound as the tumble in stocks. In fact, the 30 Year is wider now than where it was the day China announced the Yuan devaluation. 

Why is that?

We hinted at the answer on two occasions earlier (here and here) and yet the point is so critical, and was missed by virtually all readers, that it deserves to be repeated once again: as part of China's devaluation and subsequent attempts to contain said devaluation, it has been purging foreign reserves at an epic pace. Said otherwise, China has sold an epic amount of Treasurys in the past two weeks.

How epic? We turn it over to SocGen once again:

The PBoC cut the RRR for all banks by 50bp and offered additional reductions for leasing companies (300bp) and rural banks (50bp). All these will take effect as of 6 September, and the total amount of liquidity injected will be close to CNY700bn, or $106bn based on today's onshore exchange rate.  In perspective, the PBoC may have sold more official FX reserves than this amount since the currency regime change on 11 August.

There you have it: in the past two weeks alone China has sold a gargantuan $106 (or more) billion in US paper just as a result of the change in the currency regime!

But wait, there's more: recall that one months ago we posted that "China's Record Dumping Of US Treasuries Leaves Goldman Speechless" in which we reported that China has sold some $107 billion in Treasurys since the start of 2015.

When we did that article, we too were quite shocked at that number. However, we - just like Goldman - are absolutely speechless to find out that China has sold as much in Treasurys in the past 2 weeks, over $100 billion, as it has sold in the entire first half of the year!

In retrospect, it is absolutely amazing that the 10 and 30 Year Bonds have cratered considering the amount of concentrated selling by China.

But the bigger question is how much more does China have left to sell, if this pace of outflows continues. Here is SocGen again:

From an operational perspective, China's FX reserves are estimated to be two-thirds made up of relatively liquid assets. According to TIC data, China held $1,271bn US treasuries end-June 2015, but treasury bills and notes accounted for only $3.1bn. The currency composition is said to be similar to the IMF's COFER data: 2/3 USD, 1/5 EUR and 5% each of GBP and JPY. Given that EUR and JPY depreciation contributed the most to the RMB's NEER appreciation in the past year, it is plausible that
the PBoC may not limit its intervention to selling only USD-denominated assets.

* * *

China's FX reserves are still 134% of the recommended level, or in other words, around $900bn (1/4 of total) and can be used for currency intervention without severely impacting China's external position.
Should the current pace of liquidity outflows continue, and require the dumping of $100 billion in FX reserves, read US Treasurys, every two weeks this means China has, oh, call it some 18 weeks of intervention left.

What happens when China liquidates all of its Treasury holdings is anyone's guess, and an even better question is will anyone else decide to join China as its sells US Treasurys at a never before seen pace, and best of all: will the Fed just sit there and watch as the biggest offshore holder of US Treasurys liquidates its entire inventory...

11 則留言:

gogoldjoe 提到...


gogoldjoe 提到...


Lisa 提到...

Joe 估計, 美債爆時資金會否流入中港股市 ?
因為見到好多人係唔係都一路在溝股票, 如果到時股市可以升就無咁慘, 唔係就死得人多 !
我自己就會繼續買新出金銀幣來提高倉位 !

gogoldjoe 提到...



Lisa 提到...

李居明說的2016年起中國有十年好年會是真的, 只要大家捱過呢兩個月等11月水來到 !

sinsin 提到...

現在美國又轉口風9月不加息.咁對Martin Amstrong的big bang 預期有影響嗎?

Lisa 提到...

終之 Big Bang 會發生在加息時, 而加息不是我地可以控制的 !

嘉芙蓮 提到...

waiting for time to get in the game. Once in a lifetime opportunity!

嘉芙蓮 提到...

MA也說過到時資金擁去PRIVATE ASSETS,金係其一,樓同股都吧!

嘉芙蓮 提到...

to support your view earlier, Jeff Berwick's blog mentioned " China has sold more US Treasuries in the last two weeks ($106 billion) than it had sold in the entire first half of the year (approximately $100 billion)."

Lisa 提到...
