2016年1月23日 星期六

Celente – $15 Trillion Wiped Out In Global Rout But Here’s The Elites’ Secret Plan To Really Screw The Public

繼續睇大鱷做世界 !

最弊就是好多人還在發緊夢 !


Today the top trends forecaster in the world spoke with King World News about the $15 trillion global rout and warned about the elites’ secret plan to really screw the public.

Eric King:  “Gerald, you said this week that this crisis would bring some countries to their knees.”

Staggering $15 Trillion Wiped Out In Global Collapse

Gerald Celente:  “It already is.  It’s bringing countries like Venezuela, Brazil, Congo and South Africa to their knees (a staggering $15 trillion has been wiped out in the global equity collapse so far).  There is one currency after another collapsing….

“The declining currencies are reflecting their declining economies.  Nearly a trillion dollars has flooded out of the emerging markets.  This was hot money that once flooded in from quantitative easing that pumped up these economies and it is now fading fast.  

The Elites’ Secret Plan To Really Screw The Public

Let’s get real with this.  By every indicator, quantitative easing doesn’t do it anymore.  That game is over.  But they are going to sucker the public back into the markets and they are also going to wipe out the (public’s) shorts first (before the next leg of this global collapse begins).    

13 則留言:

猛虎勇士 提到...

Lisa 姐--你2011年540買個1994袋鼠幣,現在升到網上價79.99美金!


雪道浪投 提到...


Lisa 提到...

限量版銀幣真係愈舊愈貴 :)

猛虎勇士 提到...

Alessandro Wong

猛虎勇士 提到...


Lisa 提到...

我就係怕凍才留在香港, 好彩廳和浴室都有電爐仔, 唔係唔知點過日子 XDDD !

Lisa 提到...

D專家說乜暖化時代, 其實是冰河時代, 只是南北極可能轉咗位 !

Lisa 提到...

東網: 新界多區落雹 !

昨晚好似聽到D聲, 通常會去追查聲由何來, 不過因為太凍, 繼續縮在被內 !

Master NLP 提到...


Master NLP 提到...



Lisa 提到...

唔好啦 :(

Lisa 提到...

我弟弟說, 廣州落雪 !

猛虎勇士 提到...
