2008年7月23日 星期三
富爸爸 :在最壞時機尋寶
I believe we're through the worst of the current bust. I know there will be more aftershocks, and the news will continue to be pessimistic for at least two more years, possibly until the summer of 2010.
But the upside to this is that it gives us at least two years to do our market research and find the next big stock or real estate bargain. Before buying, I strongly suggest you study, read books, and take courses on your asset of choice. If your choice is stocks, take a course on stocks or options. If it's real estate, take a course on real estate. Now is the time to learn; not only will you know more than the average person and be in a good position when the market turns, but you'll also meet people with a similar mindset.
You have about two years to get into position. Opportunities this big don't come along often, so this is your time to get rich.
佢本書內有寫 2010年會是最差.
由2008開始熊市, 睇怕都要在2010才見底吧 !
回覆刪除咁要收起投資, 包括基金,股票, 樓...等等.
回覆刪除最難估的是美元走勢, 可以去到兩個極段 !我依家都沒知自己要企邊一邊 ?王冠一說, 歐羅可以去到 1.70, 但我驚, 買佐後美元大反彈, 所以一動不如一靜 ~