2008年8月12日 星期二

Jim Rogers 睇美元

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posted 2008-05-10

Billionaire Jim Rogers' Views on Commodities, USD & Financials
Jim Rogers, co-founder of the Quantum Fund with George Soros, said the global credit squeeze triggered by U.S. housing-loan
delinquencies may not be nearing an end. Billionaire Rogers said he is still bullish on commodities, in particular agriculture, even
as investors are regaining some confidence in the equities market and are hopeful that the worst of the U.S. subprime fallout is


"Gold is in a correction right now," Rogers, who co-founded the Quantum fund with George Soros in the 1970s, said at a press
conference Thursday in Singapore. "I suspect it could go down to US$800, who knows, or US$750. I'm terrible at market timing, but if
gold goes down some more, I plan to buy some more."

Dollar rally

"I expect a nice rally in the American dollar because so many have been bearish on the American dollar including me," Rogers said.
"America is also a huge producer of agriculture and if I'm right about agriculture prices, which I think will go up a lot, that's
going to help America compared to those countries which don't have agriculture."

Rogers said in last month's interview that he was hoping the dollar rally would last a year, which would allow him to sell all of
his U.S. currency.

"The New Zealand and Australian dollar may get hurt if carry trades reverse," he said. I admit that I've also been buying the yen,
but I'm not planning to sell my Australian dollars as they have a great future."

