2009年9月28日 星期一

止賺佐 2800

21.20 沽曬落袋先 !

大市跌穿 20800 -->> 20785 -239
美元和日元繼續升 !

我可能做錯, 所以唔好跟 :)

4 則留言:

  1. I think your decision is right it is time to sell stock in this time. I sold 5 on 90..

    Purchase 330 on 50 and 941 on 76.

    Buy 330 for coming good dividend (long term) pay and 941 for long term.

    Is it good?

  2. 回 andy,
    又說沽得岩, 又買貨 ?
    唔係好明 !

  3. buy the company not the market...

    5 seem too high on these days to go up to 90$$

    Use the cash to buy other company that is worth for future.

  4. Andy,

    My 2 cents. It's time to leave HK stock market as Lisa did. If you want to buy good companies, wait until the market goes down enough.

    mbl from US
