2010年6月3日 星期四

The Rich List Poor on Gold

睇來金價還有好多水位升, 因為大眾持貨實在太少啦 !


Bloomberg reports that: “More than half of the investors surveyed said they are more cautious than they were before the crisis, Barclays said in a statement in Hong Kong today. About 2,000 wealthy investors who have more than 1 million pounds ($1.47 million) in investments from 20 countries participated in the survey in February and March, it said. “The uncertainty around the prospects and timing of the global economic recovery is causing investors to favor” equities and real estate.” Almost 90 percent of the surveyed investors in Singapore said the property market is likely to perform well in the next 12 months, while 68 percent of the Australian respondents said they are positive on equities, according to the survey.

4 則留言:

  1. Lisa姐, 想請教買龍鳯鈪問題.
    係咪有分半兩, 0.8兩同一兩一隻?

    請問買個時, 有乜要注意?

    Thanks ^^

  2. 龍鳯鈪由0.3至1至2両都有 ! 你可以去周大福、周生生、六福比較下 !
    周生生手工比較平, 不過重量大, 少0.3 個種,
    六福適中, 可以選拉大的款式, 輕得來睇來比較大 !
    買金鉓可以簽卡, 而買金粒金條就一定要俾現金 !

  3. 價錢方面, 0.3x12000=3600, 就係約$3,600

  4. 多謝LISA姐, 放工望左一下六福, 因為有VIP卡#減手工錢. 雖然尖咀好多遊客不過忙得來態度都好好, 值得一讚.

    不過, 真係好貴.....
