2010年7月27日 星期二

Spot gold vs Comex gold

Spot gold


The spot price or spot rate of a commodity, a security or a currency is the price that is quoted for immediate (spot) settlement (payment and delivery).

可以說是黃金買賣交易的直接報價, 但內面可以包含對金價將來的走勢估計的計價.

Comex gold


Commodity Exchange

As of 2009, holders of COMEX gold futures contracts have experienced problems taking delivery of their metal. Along with chronic delivery delays, some investors have received delivery of bars not matching their contract in serial number and weight.

呢個就係黃金遠期合約了, 就係黃金期貨.

金甲蟲一早已預計, COMEX 遲早會爆煲, 因為當金價再升, 佢地可能交唔出實金俾客 !

