2010年9月16日 星期四



Often experts compare the performance of gold to equities over the last century. But this is sort of like comparing apples and oranges. Firstof all, most companies that existed in 1890 no longer exist today. If you invested in stocks in 1929, most of them are bankrupt anyway. So you had to rebalance your portfolio.

Still, there will be periods of time when equities perform better than gold and silver, such as in 2009 when the stock market bounced from the sell-off that was triggered by the financial crisis that began the previous year. Then there will be times when gold and silver perform than equities and certainly better than bonds and cash U.S. dollars.

1 則留言:

  1. 嘿嘿,屎牛排話熊人博士既話系原全可以不理。
