2010年10月27日 星期三

Foreclosures push home prices down in many cities

都講咗美國按揭混亂可以好嚴重, 已無人敢買銀主盤啦, 因為業權不清不楚, 到時俾咗錢無樓到手就喊都無謂啦 ! 無人買, 樓價繼續跌, 銀行唔死都散啦 !

finance.yahoo.com 全文

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Home prices are falling further, suggesting a bottom hasn't been reached in many metro areas.

Millions of foreclosures are expected to pour onto the market in the coming years. That's likely to force prices down and hurt even cities that had begun to rebound. Investigations into banks' foreclosure paperwork could further deter buyers and weigh down prices.

The past few months have been the worst time in a decade for the housing market. Few people have bought homes, and among the small pool of buyers, many have purchased foreclosures and other distressed properties.

The impact was apparent Tuesday when Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller released its latest index for home prices in 20 major U.S metro areas. The average price for all markets fell 0.2 percent in August and 15 cities posted declines.

But the foreclosure problem is far from over. A "shadow inventory" of homes on the verge of foreclosure is bound to force prices lower well into next year. About 2 million loans are in foreclosure, and another 2.4 million borrowers have missed at least 90 days of mortgage payments, according to LPS Applied Analytics.

It's still unclear how the allegations of lenders using flawed documents to foreclosure on homes will affect housing markets. Bank of America and Ally Financial Inc.'s GMAC Mortgage have started processing foreclosures again, after calling a temporary halt while they reviewed mortgage documents.

Some buyers are worried that the sale of a foreclosure could be contested -- or even canceled -- if the previous owner claims the foreclosure was invalid.

In an October survey taken by the National Association of Realtors, about 23 percent of real estate agents said they have a client who is no longer interested in purchasing a foreclosed property due to the foreclosure-document mess.

2 則留言:

  1. 真係精彩過六國大封相!銀行收晒d樓都冇用,除非立法將呢d業權不清的房屋通通收歸銀行所有,但如此已毀滅資本主義最根本的產權私有原則。同老共上台,將所有資產收歸國有分別不大!

  2. 回Joe,
    美國呢 D 所謂自由市場, 打官司都可以打到傻, 所以睇來有排搞 !
