2010年10月29日 星期五

Gold May Decline Next Week

乘跌市買平貨 !


Gold may decline on concern that prices rose too high amid speculation about Federal Reserve asset purchases, a survey found.

Thirteen of 26 traders, investors and analysts surveyed by Bloomberg, or 50 percent, said the metal will fall next week. Eight forecast higher prices and five were neutral. Gold for December delivery was up 0.7 percent for this week at $1,335 an ounce at 11:15 a.m. yesterday on the Comex in New York. It reached an all-time high of $1,388.10 on Oct. 14.

Before last week, prices rallied for five weeks as the dollar sank on speculation about further so-called quantitative easing by the Fed. The currency rebounded last week amid speculation that the central bank may expand easing steps gradually, slowing the dollar’s depreciation. Gold usually moves inversely to the greenback.

“The expectation of a gradual introduction of quantitative easing is leading to selling in the gold market on the belief that gold had become overbought,” said Mark O’Byrne, executive director of brokerage GoldCore Ltd. in Dublin. “The short-term trend appears to have changed after last week’s lower close.”

Estimates for the amount of Fed asset purchases range from $1 trillion at Bank of America-Merrill Lynch to $2 trillion at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Economists at both firms agree the Fed will likely start by announcing $500 billion after policy makers’ Nov. 2-3 meeting.

2 則留言:

  1. 一講完, 金價就升咗十二美元 @-@
    所以唔好玩期貨沽金, 輸死都沒天光 !

  2. 呢d大時代,總有人成為炮灰,期金、倫敦金的槓桿都非常大,應最為慘烈!
