2011年2月10日 星期四

Perth Mint Out of 100 Ounce Silver Bars


King World News has verified with the Perth Mint that they have run out of 100 ounce silver bars and they are not slated to be available again until the end of March. As of the close Thursday, 100 ounce silver bars were still unavailable at ScotiaMocatta as well.

KWN also reached out to one of the largest dealers in Australia where Peter August of ABC Melbourne stated, “Pamp was just approached by an unnamed Swiss bank and solicited for their entire one kilo silver production ongoing. They said, “Because of the high demand, we’ll take everything you’ve got in one kilo silver bars ongoing.” Peter August went on to say, “We already have a month’s wait for the silver we are buying and it’s getting much harder to find.”

August also remarked, “Gold is starting to get a lot scarcer. Apparently at one point Hong Kong basically ran out of physical gold for sale two weeks ago. We were told that there was no physical gold available for sale in Hong Kong with no timeline given as to when more would be available. Mitsui ran out and the large dealers in Hong Kong were short of physical gold as well. Wether that was just a one time situation remains to be seen, but cracks are starting to appear in the physical market.”

Multiple sources around the world have been confirming tightness in the precious metals markets. So far the market has reacted with higher prices. Silver is within striking distance of multi-decade highs, it will be interesting to see how it trades the next couple of weeks.

Eric King


10 則留言:

  1. 剛在大洋的WEB SITE看到2010年熊貓1OZ銀幣而家係$345一個, 比之前貴了$5了.

  2. 我買個日銀價在 28幾, 依家 29幾, 所以加價都唔出奇 :)

  3. 咁睇黎金,銀 重會再升

    請問銀幣鋪重見唔見有 澳洲 鼠,牛,虎 年銀幣

    想送俾屋企人, thanks


  4. 在Joe個邊已有人說買咗最後一個虎銀幣, 而1oz兔銀幣可能還有 ! 老闆娘說過已訂貨唔知幾時有, 不過虎銀幣唔會再出了 !

  5. 可惜...


    不過唔該晒 Lisa


  6. 哈哈, 我都說過一買開就會上隱想買多 D 唔同款式, 但價錢就唔可以高到離曬普! 我在東洋個層問過一個龍年銀幣幾錢, 個女人開價八千蚊 @_@

  7. Lisa, 龍年銀幣是澳洲各還是中國架?

  8. 回 CK,
    應該是中國出的, 唔肯定, 因為我只睇到龍個面, 應該無英文字, 太貴所以快快行開啦 XD !
    我去東洋都買唔到八千蚊 !

  9. 啱啱先買左個兔仔.

  10. 個個都走去Kitco 買平1oz兔仔, 所以東洋滯消 !
