2011年4月2日 星期六

China May Corner Gold Market


China has likely begun a campaign to convert its dollars to gold that could end up with the nation cornering the gold market, says Richard Lehmann, editor of the Forbes/Lehmann Income Security Investor newsletter.

 China is alarmed about potential weakness for the dollar, he says in an interview with Steve Forbes. 

So “I’m concerned that basically China is probably already on a program to diversify the dollar into gold. I don’t think they want any other fiat currencies or want to minimize that amount.”

If China buys enough gold, at some point it can simply dictate the price, Lehmann says. And it has the means to do so, given that Chinese currency reserves total almost $3 trillion, and the world’s gold supply is now worth about $5 trillion, he says.

So China could “in one stroke, basically take control of the gold market and tie the dollar to gold so that effectively, if every six months the dollar deteriorates 5 percent, they can just upgrade the stated price at which they wanted to buy gold and thereby upgrade and up-value their gold reserves, but also keep the dollar in check.”

With plenty of other investors buying gold too, many experts expect it to continue rising. Richard Russell, author of the Dow Theory newsletter, says in a commentary obtained by King World News that the precious metal may reach $6,000 an ounce.

Spot gold was at $1,407.40 an ounce near midday Thursday.

2 則留言:

  1. 今日去左東洋.2011 熊貓賣 $420

    2010年$520....2003 $12XX...


    不過去左另外一間鋪 買左 2011 熊貓 $390

    其他d 鋪...セ銀幣 .都加價..

    1OZ牛 $580
    1oz虎 $580


    所以.只買了 2 個2011 熊貓
    (1 個幫人買)

    另外...實在太多人買銀幣..炒到貴 !

  2. 謝 sky925 報料 :)
    睇來唔曬再去東洋啦, 話咁快就見 500蚊 !
