2011年5月24日 星期二

Insights into the Chinese gold market


China overtakes India – China is the largest market for gold bullion and coins in the first quarter of 2011. Rising inflation and the associated fear encouraged the Chinese investors to buy gold.93.5 tons of gold were sold from January to March 2011 in the form of bullion, medals and coins. This represents an increase of 55 percent from the previous quarter and an increase by double of the previous year - according to the World Gold Council, which published the figures on Thursday.In contrast, the George Soros hedge fund sold nearly all the shares from the largest gold exchange traded fund, SPDR Gold Shares, in the first quarter.It even seems as if the Eastern investors would buy up everything that Western investors give out their hands.India remains the largest consumer in terms of gold, although the Chinese jewelry industry is growing rapidly.

1 則留言:

  1. 呢篇文章係金甲的蓮子百合糖水,清心火,又甜又補,謝Lisa.
