富爸爸說 :
#1 "when the economy crashes as we predict"
#2 "the crowds come rushing in to buy gold and silver"
#3 "we could either go into a depression or we go to hyperinflation"
#4 "or we could also go to war"
#5 "buy a gun"
#6 "I'm preparing"
#7 "I'm prepared for the worst"
#8 "so come to my house and I'm armed and dangerous and I'll welcome you"
#9 "we have food, we have water, we have guns, gold and silver, and cash"
#10 "the credit card system shuts down, the world shuts down"
#11 "the supermarkets have less than 3 days supply"
嘩! 槍呢樣野,喺香港正常人冇乜可能買到喎. 哈哈.
睇來來緊美國會好亂, 人心慌慌 !
回覆刪除希臘已行先一步, 不過美國人牛仔性格, 所以會恐怖好多 !
美國佬, 攪世界大戰都唔會俾自己內亂!
回覆刪除美國準備好行 martial law
may be we should buy seeds as well
回覆刪除唉, 富爸爸講親野都好有信心下先講, 今次仲要full team show off, 大件事了.
回覆刪除美國來緊一係大衰退, 一係惡性通脹, 所以佢以為, D 窮人會反抗, 出來搶野 !
外國D屋都幾脆弱, 大大的玻璃窗, 唔似香港咁多鐵閘 ! 在英國夜晚我望住個黑麻麻的花園心都有D發毛, 唔多習慣無鐵閘的保護 !
富爸爸口不擇言, 所以佢在 yahoo 近來無咗新文章, 我諗美國政府都唔會like佢 !