2011年6月15日 星期三

Kitco Charged With Massive Tax Fraud Scheme

如果無左Kitco, 大家都無平銀買啦, 所以要好好珍惜手上的銀幣 !
在英國網上訂銀幣, 加消售稅, 同東洋價差不多, 所以都係在香港Kitco 買最平 !


June 10, 2011
Life for the precious metals dealer, and home of the often times infamous Jon Nadler, Kitco just got very ugly. “Claiming widespread tax fraud in the gold refining and trading sector, Revenue Quebec and police investigators this week conducted searches and seizures at 70 locations, mostly in the Montreal area. One of the targeted sites was the downtown Montreal location of Kitco, a major buyer and seller of gold. A note on the floor of its office on Thursday said that “operational constraints” had forced the service counter to close this week.” It is unclear if this alleged tax fraud bust means Kitco could be out of business shortly, although based on the following statement it is somewhat difficult to have an optimistic outlook on the future employment prospects of said Mr. Nadler: “The company said it has asked Superior Court of Québec to appoint an interim receiver so that it may continue normal operations under the supervision of the accounting firm RSM Richter. The action was taken “to allow for the time required to vigorously contest Revenu Québec’s unfounded claims.” At the heart of the allegation: “In a communique, Revenue Quebec said that by converting pure gold into a gold object and then refining it back into a pure state, some in the gold industry had used “artificial transactions” to obtain refunds of taxes that were never actually paid.” Apparently Kitco was one of them. Oh well, we will miss the pretty charts.
From Financial Post:
No arrests were announced, but the tax department said Thursday it had reason to believe several people were involved in producing false invoices for a number of companies.
The company strongly denied any allegations in a statement Friday.
“Kitco Metals Inc. has never participated in any tax fraud, nor has it ever carried out any fictitious transactions. In all respects, Kitco vigorously contests all aspects of Revenu Québec’s investigation,” it said.
Revenue Quebec said two networks of companies and individuals were at the heart of a false-billing scheme that had cost the province more than $150 million in tax on almost $2 billion in transactions.
In addition to Kitco and Carmen International Inc., it said almost 125 other companies had been complicit in the scheme.
Instead of trafficking in invoiceless gold, perhaps Kitco should have just pulled a Goldman, opened a prop desk, and bought the stuff. Hopefully they learn from this mistake.

5 則留言:

  1. I am not sure whether any wrong doings have been done. All i know is there is tax hike in US and ??Canada?? on precious metal dealers,and then here is prosecution happening. It seems it will become more and more difficult for ordinary people like us to buy gold and silver.

  2. 政府和銀行家都唔想見到 d 民間資金流去實金和實銀啦, 所以多作為難 !

  3. 昨天先係Kitco 買10個1盎司澳洲樹熊銀幣 + 1個1千克澳洲樹熊銀幣 ^_^"

  4. 你好: 我是投資白銀的門外漢,對這方面沒有多大慨念,我想問它的買賣運作是怎樣的和應該怎樣在白銀中得到保值已至投資的效果? 希望你可以為我解答的的難題,謝謝 .~

  5. 回TL,
    請看本網頁標題[投資金銀手冊] !
