2011年8月6日 星期六

The Royal Canadian Mint says it is difficult to secure silver

原來真係銀荒, 所以愈出愈多925銀幣 ! 而溝淡對廠和幣商來講, 只會是死路一條 !


February 24, 2011

With continued reports of booming sales and tightness in the silver market, today King World News interviewed Dave Madge director of sales at the Royal Canadian Mint. When asked if the RCM is having trouble acquiring silver Madge responded, “Demand right now for silver is through the roof and it shows no signs of slowing at this point. Sourcing silver is becoming very difficult. We are competing with a great many players when it comes to purchasing silver and many of these players are bidding the price higher.”

Dave Madge of the Royal Canadian Mint continues:

“Our advantage is that we have had long-term relationships with our suppliers and that has helped us in this situation. We have been able to leverage off of those relationships to get supply, but it still remains a big challenge sourcing material. We’re looking at ways of mitigating our risk regarding supply of silver.

We are anticipating it to become even more difficult to secure supplies in the future. This is based on what we are seeing firsthand and what our suppliers are telling us. We work closely with these banks to secure silver and they tell us there is a lot of competition.”

When asked what this means for the price of silver and how long this condition is expected to persist Madge stated, “I think you are going to see the premiums go up in order to secure silver. At some point some players will be priced out of the market. I don’t think this is a short-term situation, I think there are a lot of issues going forward and this may be the new norm.”

The key here from Dave Madge is that he expects it to become even more difficult in the future to secure supplies of silver. In my mind this is an extremely important testimonial regarding how tight the silver market is because the information is coming directly from the Royal Canadian Mint itself.

The Royal Canadian Mint is known as a world-class provider of minted products and KWN is thankful to both the RCM and Dave Madge for this interview.

4 則留言:

  1. 以最基礎的經濟學推理,聽他弦外之音,不是銀荒,是現在實銀的真正價值和牌價相差太遠了。


  2. 據我理解, 佢地難買到銀, 因為有人用高價同佢地競爭 ! 睇怕呢個勢只會愈來愈杰 :)

  3. 可能你也知道,順便提下ji。可以稱為"純銀'的白銀產品(e.g.銀幣,銀鍊,etc)的最低純度是925.所以,它們不能再溝低d的。

    美國商品標準局便訂定「925純銀標準」,即所謂Sterling Silver,銀的純度需高達92.5%以上才可稱為純銀,現在925純銀已經成為被廣泛使用的銀製品純度.所以925銀就被國際公認為純銀嚕!


  4. 回Gordon,
    如果用同等價錢去買925銀當然唔抵啦, 何況新幣價格愈定愈高 !
    銀器用925可以理解, 因為硬度可以提高 !
