2011年9月23日 星期五


情況似乎壞過2008年金融海嘯開始時, 基金要錢唔要貨 ! 歐洲缺資金無人打救 !
見到股票財經網誌, 愁雲慘霧, 慘不忍睹 !

6 則留言:

  1. they make the situation bad enough, so no one would blame them when they have another round of QE so they can inflat their national debt away instead of outright defaulting.

    as the Protocol of the learned elders (if these are the people that are controlling the currency and the world) suggests , these elites know the masses psychology so well. the make you fear first, so they can do whatever they like without resistance.

  2. Hi Lisa, do you think any chance banks will start to increase mortgage rate because this operation twist has the effect of raising short term rate. That meams borrowing cost between banks will start to increase. thanks

  3. the purpose of OT is to suppress long term rates, but since the rate in US is already low, the effect will be small, but still will continue to drive price up and inflation. However, HK already said to the press yesterday that will have change to increase rates despite what US is doing.

  4. 其實香港的按揭利率已加緊 !

  5. 新造按揭差不多要3厘了, 所以我連換樓意念都取消埋, 家下間樓供到完為止, 儲到錢就買多間大的住, 細的放租 :)
