2011年9月10日 星期六

From Here Silver is a 30 Bagger to $1,200

文章說: 金價企穩1764美元之上, 可以去到12000美元, 而銀價可以升30倍去到1200美元 !


With stocks plunging and gold and silver still consolidating recent gains, today King World News interviewed billionaire Eric Sprott, Chairman of the $10 billion strong Sprott Asset Management to get his take on the action. When asked about gold Sprott replied, “I think it’s explosive. As you know James Sinclair said, ‘When it goes through $1,764 it’s going to $12,000,’ and I for one am not ruling out that kind of development here. It could be very explosive as more and more people worry about one, fiat currencies, two, sovereign debt and three, bank deposits. It would take very little to spill into gold to make a dramatic difference in where the price will be.”

When asked about silver specifically Sprott remarked,
“It could be a wild ride here. As you know there are groups that are short silver and they’ve lost a lot of money already. I think they are very active in the market and create these days where there are sudden downdrafts, but sure enough silver always comes back. The physical buyers always wear down the paper pushers.”

When asked where he sees the price of silver headed Sprott responded, “I think silver will outperform gold in the next decade. If silver should trade at a 16 to 1 ratio (to gold), it will probably trade at 10 to 1 because things tend to overshoot. Let’s use Jim Sinclair’s $12,000 target, that would suggest $1,200 silver, which is a thirty bagger from here...The biggest reason it (silver) should go there is people should fear bank deposits, that’s what I think they should fear.”

1 則留言:

  1. 早前過左1764我都出左手..支持呢個價位架...
