2011年9月3日 星期六

There’s Not Enough Gold to Go Around Right Now

Keith Barron 說: 呢次黃金的升勢唔同1980年個時的升浪, 因為個時中國和印度無如今日的參於, 所以預計金價在明年中可以突破2300-2500美元!
他還說在80年瘋癲時, 一大群人在銀行外排大長龍看金價報價, 而公司提早出糧等員工可以早些去買黃金, 因為金價日日升 !



With gold surging $50 and silver trading up over $1, today King World News interviewed one of the greats in the gold world, Keith Barron. Keith consults with major gold companies around the world as well as major brokerage houses and Keith is responsible for one of the largest gold discoveries in history. When asked where he sees gold headed Barron responded, “We’re seeing things right now on the political stage that we have never, ever seen before and I believe this is tremendously bullish for gold and for silver. I would say gold is going to blow through $2,300 to $2,500 by the middle of next year.”

When asked if the mania in gold this time around will mirror that of late 1979, early 1980 Barron responded, “Absolutely and there are more players, there is just not enough gold to go around right now. You never saw the participation of the Asian and Indian markets back in 1980, we’re seeing that now.

It’s a totally different world out there. You’ve got two currencies that are crashing (in terms of purchasing power) at the same time, the euro and the dollar. And for whatever reason here in Switzerland, the Swiss National Bank has chosen to de facto devalue the Swiss franc, so they are trying to make that (the Swiss franc) as unattractive as possible for the safe haven people.

So I think it (gold) has a long, long way to run, but we’re a long way from the manic phase. They talk on CNBC about gold being in a bubble, I mean I’ve heard this every year for the past eleven years, ever since I started watching that stupid station. If you had listened to bubble vision, you wouldn’t be participating in the gold market here or in the bull run. You would have missed out on some fantastic profits.

Before this thing gets really rocking and rolling, people are going to be going after anything with the word gold in it, it’s going to get completely hairy. I can remember I was a teenager back in 1979-1980 in the city of Toronto. They (the masses) were lined up at the gold window, which was in the Bank of Nova Scottia, all the way down the end wall of the bank, up the stairs, outside and then all the way around the block....

“People were actually paying folks for their place in line so they could get in earlier and buy gold because the price was shooting up all through the day.

You saw $50 movements back then and a $50 move back then was a lot of money. So I think we are only starting to really get going now because the general public is starting to get the message. We might see $2,000 gold faster than anyone thinks.”

2 則留言:

  1. 要去到.人人都會講 "今日..你買左未呀!"
