2011年10月24日 星期一

世紀末全球人口150億 人類瀕滅亡

滅減人口的藉口 ?



 聯合國原先估計目前全球人口約70億,到2100年將超過100億。新數據遠超預期,令許多專家大為震驚。英國人口控制運動(Population Matters)主席馬丁稱,地球已邁入危險新階段,「地球正面臨人口增長、氣候變化和石油過度開採等,實際上我們的星球已承擔不起70億人口的壓力。」 


3 則留言:

  1. another evil propaganda deceives/educates the public that depopulation is good

  2. 霍金都講,,地球200年後會滅亡..人類要去別的星球居住

  3. lets think about why are those Korean farmers protested in HK when we had WTO conference. It is because the food produced in US are too cheap for them to compete. Why are there not much farming in HK? because there are too many supply and not much profit in it.
    However, the day of enjoying cheap food will pass very soon because of man made nature disaster through HARRP liking flooding in China, Thailand. Drought in Russia, earthquake.....Chemtrail being spread in the sky by airlines being subsidized for doing so... Monopoly of seeds by Monsanto,Devaluation of dollar leads to hiking in food price.......

    啟 示 錄
    8:7 第一位天使吹號、就有雹子與火攙著血丟在地上.地的三分之一和樹的三分之一被燒了、一切的青草也被燒了。
