Lisa As your blog is very popular and has many fans, would you consider adding "Recent Comments" on the right column so that we won't miss any message posted by you and other blogmates?
few years ago i was coughing so badly and saw many doctors without getting cured, in the end i have found a specialist doctor in mongkok that finally cured me. i was SOOO happy he did! i recommended it to some friends when they have prolong throat problems,it seem to help them as well. maybe you can try if it work for you. let me know if you want to have a try, i can send you the name/address. take care ar~~~~
I got a question, if the debt is defaulted then how can the elite control/own the place?
I thought the elite don't want it default, so they can have either interest (slavery) or selling vital assets such as hydro, electricity company etc(increase prices).
Basically what i want to ask is how can someone default in their debt and still have their debt being enforce and be held responsible?
i am not completely sure. All i know is if someone cannot pay his/her mortgage on time, the bank will confiscate the house. I think the same logic can be applied
in the mortgage case, at least there is lawyer, police and banker(creditor) to enforce and foreclose. But for a country isnt is more difficult? Well i guess wb imf and so on will step in, and that in turn is equal to elites taking over. I just hope these will be default countries would be as smart/brave as aus/ice/russia
月波幅已經2500點, 已經進入大户食糊平倉位, 唔知會唔會上月波幅3000點, 19250? 有可能, 但再上望水位我覺得有限.
咳左1個月, 夜晚都咳醒, 醫生建議我明日去照肺, 希望無事啦. 一向氣管都比較弱, 醫生話可能變成了輕微哮喘, 再唔好就要用inhaler, 慘.
回覆刪除大市如果還會升都只可以去到 50天線, 但可以去唔到的, 所以買股的人一定要小心 ! RSI 已去到近 70 !
我咳咗一年多了, 用過inhaler 都斷唔到尾, 依家一日飲一次非洲海底椰標, 似乎控制到 ! 但唔可以食辣野或胡椒或煎炸野, 一食又咳返 !
回覆刪除As your blog is very popular and has many fans, would you consider adding "Recent Comments" on the right column so that we won't miss any message posted by you and other blogmates?
回覆刪除加咗啦 :)
回覆刪除咳咗一年多, oh so bad
如果再咁咳, 我都買樽試下先.
朋友叫我試下NZ峰密, 我都會買樽試下. 我想你一定試了, 請問在那裡買較好
回覆刪除藥房賣20蚊一樽, 但我驚水貨, 所以去萬靈買33蚊一樽 !
當初我以為照足盒上寫飲一日五次, 但都係斷唔到尾, 所以在第五樽後, 我只在食完早餐後飲一次, 可以清氣管 !
如果妳訓時咳, 可以食完晚飯後飲一次, 也可以早上飲一次, 晚上飲一次 !
如果咳水唔得就要用擴氣管 inhaler 啦 !
回覆刪除我當初都以為早一次晚一次定時 inhaler 可以斷尾, 依家知唔得, 所以只在氣塞個時才吸 !
有無試過食龜苓膏 / 龜苓膠?
回覆刪除飲非洲海底椰標要倒四茶匙咳藥在杯中, 加熱水搞混, 才慢慢飲落去 !
回覆刪除之前試過好多藥材唔得, 因為太過涼, 會愈飲愈咳 !
龜苓膏好寒涼 !
我依家可以訓到覺, 無當初一訓低就咳到死, 病情控制得七七八八啦 !
回覆刪除Thank you, Lisa, 佳.
回覆刪除又試多一樣龜苓膏. XD
當初一訓低就咳到死. Me now.
回覆刪除非洲海底椰標是咳水, 一樽可以大約飲五日 !
所以我依家唔食好多野, 包捨以前好鍾意食的薯片, 朱古力, 雪糕, 汽水, 涼茶, 西瓜, 木瓜, 哈蜜瓜, 麥記.....太涼太熱都唔食, 慳返好多錢可以用來買銀幣 XDDDD !
Lisa &旺旺,咳都可以分熱咳和寒咳,夜晚咳屬寒咳,龜苓膏寒涼,不宜多吃.有無睇下中醫呢?不過效果慢但副作用少. Inhaler可能含類固醇.
回覆刪除記得要保暖,尤其是頸部氣管,我出入冷氣地方都會帶外套或圍巾,係麻煩,不過保重身體等如省了醫藥費. 現在轉天氣,好多人都會氣管不適的. 兩位要小心保重!
回覆刪除我用的inhaler 是無類固醇的, 所以醫生說對病情會慢 D 有效 !
我是食太多熱氣野後食好多涼野, 所以撞咗搞成咁 ! 依家對食物好敏感 !
Thank you Lisa, the "recent comments" is very useful for my lazy character.
回覆刪除旺旺 and Lisa: Get well soon!
Thanks Yan :)
回覆刪除hi all,
回覆刪除who wanted to order the coloured dragon....
enjoy it.
回覆刪除剩返半盎司的, 而比上星期貴咗, 因為澳元升咗 :)
to Lisa..
回覆刪除so fast,,,
as the time I posted all in stock, but now all gone.....
btw not get anyone for myself...haha
回覆刪除few years ago i was coughing so badly and saw many doctors without getting cured, in the end i have found a specialist doctor in mongkok that finally cured me. i was SOOO happy he did! i recommended it to some friends when they have prolong throat problems,it seem to help them as well. maybe you can try if it work for you. let me know if you want to have a try, i can send you the name/address. take care ar~~~~
Thanks Vinona :)
Vinona, may u send the doctor info to my email.
Than you
As quoted by Lindsey Williams on 10 Oct 11
回覆刪除"...US dollar will be dead by the end of 2012..."
"... Greece will default it debt...and the elite who bought all the debt of Greece will own the country..."
"...Syria will be the next country to fall in middle east..."
"...states in US will default and finally being controlled by the elite..."
"...2012 will be the most unusual and eventful year in 2000 years..."
"... the elite has Devil's Messiah in program for 2012..."
睇來2012年不會是好年, 因為經濟會繼續下滑, 通脹會繼續上升, 而因為炒賣失去資金的人會愈來愈多 ! 太陽黑子又會愈來愈活躍, 所以會多D交通意外和壞通訊設施 !
回覆刪除所以大家一定要以守為主, 而遠離炒炒賣賣 !
回覆刪除I noted the above on Lindsey Williams' blog today.
The name of the game is called 'CONTROL'
I got a question, if the debt is defaulted then how can the elite control/own the place?
回覆刪除I thought the elite don't want it default, so they can have either interest (slavery) or selling vital assets such as hydro, electricity company etc(increase prices).
Basically what i want to ask is how can someone default in their debt and still have their debt being enforce and be held responsible?
i am not completely sure. All i know is if someone cannot pay his/her mortgage on time, the bank will confiscate the house. I think the same logic can be applied
回覆刪除RE: Curious,
回覆刪除in the mortgage case, at least there is lawyer, police and banker(creditor) to enforce and foreclose. But for a country isnt is more difficult? Well i guess wb imf and so on will step in, and that in turn is equal to elites taking over. I just hope these will be default countries would be as smart/brave as aus/ice/russia