2011年10月30日 星期日


唔係中國人的專利, 就連美國人都癲一份 !


Price: $299.95

Product will be available for shipping 11/10/2011
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To commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the American Eagle Silver Coin Program, the United States Mint is proud to present this unique limited-edition set of five one-ounce American Eagle Silver Coins. This special American Eagle Silver Five-Coin Set is an exquisite collection that captures the essence and beauty of these cherished coins – in stunning proof, reverse proof, uncirculated and bullion qualities minted by the Department of the Treasury, United States Mint facilities at West Point, San Francisco and Philadelphia. The set contains one each of the following 2011 dated coins:

* American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coin – mint mark: “W” (West Point)
* American Eagle Silver Proof Coin – mint mark: “W” (West Point)
* American Eagle Silver Reverse Proof Coin – mint mark: “P” (Philadelphia)
* American Eagle Silver Bullion Coin – no mint mark
* American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coin – mint mark: “S” (San Francisco)

All five coins are encapsulated and packaged in a single custom-designed, highly polished, lacquered hardwood presentation case and accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity.
2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set – Product Limit: 100,000


Anonymous said...
Yep, Mint shop has crashed and APMEX is sold out already.
October 27, 2011 12:26 PM

Anonymous said...
I got mine! I was on the site just before 12, then hit refresh at 12 and ordered them. I don't remember this big of a frenzy at a US Mint release before. They're selling on eBay for over $400 a set as of a few minutes ago...
October 27, 2011 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...

This one is going for $1625?!?!? People are crazy!
October 27, 2011 12:52 PM

Anonymous said...
The $1625 is not all that crazy. That price is for 5 sets of 5 coins each. That's 25 coins @ $65 each. High priced, yes; but not crazy considering the demand.
October 27, 2011 1:21 PM

Anonymous said...
Eh. Rather buy bullion.
October 27, 2011 1:25 PM

Anonymous said...
Nah, you should buy these limited sets. I buy British Silver coins that are limited to a run of up to 250,000, sometimes less are minted, and while silver was smashed down to $26 those british coins were valued at $70-$180 a piece.
October 27, 2011 1:45 PM

Anonymous said...
@Anonymous RE: $1625 - you are right - I read that as 1 set not 5 - DUH. Now, 1 set @$1625 would be a jaw-dropper, no? :-D

@Anonymous RE: bullion - some stackers are also collectors, so allow us some enjoyment. I plan to sell my extra sets for a premium and by some bullion with the extra fiat!
October 27, 2011 1:49 PM

Anonymous said...
buy the 5 sets. sell to a silver dealer and get phyz for the profit... pay the card with cost $.

you should be able to get 5-10 oz pf phyz from the profit of flipping 5 sets
October 27, 2011 4:28 PM

Anonymous said...
$300 for 5 eagles??? What a rip off!!!
October 27, 2011 4:47 PM

Anonymous said...
"$300 for 5 eagles??? What a rip off!!! "

and yet they still manage to sell out!!! and then sell for a premium over even that in the aftermarket---you probably should have grabbed some---instant fiat gain.
October 27, 2011 5:02 PM

Anonymous said...
The 2006 Reverse Proof Silver Eagle sells for over $200 easy and they made 250,000 of those. This set is limited to $100,000. So I am guessing that just the Reverse Proof coin will be selling for over $300 in the not too distant future.
October 27, 2011 5:24 PM

Teg HardinAlvin said...
APMEX is already saying that they will buy them for $425.00. 5 1/2 hours and the set already appreciated $125.00. that can get you 11 or 12 Ounces right off the bat, but I'm guessing the set will go much higher since it is such a small run.
October 27, 2011 5:28 PM

8 則留言:

  1. 跟據報導, The US Mint sells about the same dollar amount of gold and silver coins, which means it sells 50 ounces of silver for every ounce of gold.


  2. 回honson,
    好多人都知美元終於會貶值, 唔買金銀就笨實啦 XD !

  3. 唔知要幾耐時間...世人先會...夢醒時份..


  4. 回honson,
    香港人鍾情於股票 !
    如果多一半股民轉買實金實銀, 我地更定買唔到貨啦 !

  5. @Lisa
    無錯... 一語中的....

  6. ebay 咁快就有得賣, 要600美元一套 @_@

  7. Eagle silver is my favourite coin too. I also want Proof coin but seldom ship to HK. 就連2011都無

  8. 回Yan,
    可惜我地無得用300美元買, 依家太貴啦 !
