2011年10月1日 星期六

Silver’s set for a big monthly loss, but a rally may be coming


September 30, 2011, 12:04 PM

It looks like silver will end the month with a hefty loss of more than 27%, but analysts are still optimistic that demand for the white metal, and prices, are in for a rally — if coin demand offers any indication.

Earlier this week, Dillon Gage Metals said the U.S. Mint hasn’t been able to keep up with demand for silver bullion coins because there’s a shortage of blanks to make the coins.

“We expect silver demand to remain strong, and could see prices push above $50 per ounce in late 2011,”said Terry Hanlon, president of Dillon Gage Metals, on Monday. “We’re optimistic for 2012, too, because we see an expanding group of buyers of coins and small bars.”

There’s a “huge demand for silver coins all over the world, hence the shortage,” but that’s not the case with gold, according to Chintan Karnani, chief analyst at Insignia Consultants in New Delhi.

“Gold over the coming years will be out of reach for the common man and silver will be the affordable way of owning bullion,” he said.

At last check, December silver SI1Z was down 18 cents, or 0.6%, at $30.36 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. For the week, it’s trading slightly higher, but it’s also trading nearly 13% lower for the quarter and year to date, it’s still negative.

December gold GC1Z, however, was trading $7.10 higher at $1,624.40 an ounce, down for the week and month, but up nearly 8% for the quarter for a year to date rise of more than 13%.

–Myra Saefong

15 則留言:

  1. U.S. Mint因銀價急跌,部份銀幣暫停生產

  2. 回honson,
    所以乘有貨要快D買 :)

  3. Lisa,
    想問下收租既問題, 據你所知,其實係唔係唔多人如實報稅?

    因為我見網上計租金回報的, 只計埋差向地租等雜費, 但無乜人提租金要俾17%稅.
    其實政府要查, 打晒厘印,上左田土廳, 要查應該一定查到
    我咁問, 都有諗過搏大霧,不過諗還諗, 做就唔會,因為我怕變左白姐姐.

  4. 回旺旺,
    不要以小失大, 而香港的稅已算好低的啦 !
    妳可以在報稅時加入兩公婆的個人入課稅, 而稅局會幫妳計邊樣對妳著數 D !
    租金要減差餉地租, 有時還要全包管理費是一定的啦 :)

  5. 水:
    你說2013-14年,樓市會大趺3成,現價650萬既樓去番450萬,其實我主觀都好希望如此,羅家聰夠話樓市就來趺3成啦,信唔信?真係唔知, 因為我沽出去都係呢個水位,咁我買番心裡好過好多.至多係蝕左幾年租. 

    如果真係趺3-4成,我又唔使儲咁多首期,二來,現在我的收租樓係無做樓按,如果真係趺咁多,即使收租樓樓價趺左,若按到5成,再加埋手上儲既應該夠交首期了,咁就可以俾預計的2015早一年成事, 到時就一天光晒,唔使煩.

  6. Lisa,
    不要以小失大,呵呵, 咁計落我收既租, 回報應該無3.5厘, 應該得3厘了.

    只少都叫做可以免斗差餉,除此以外, 都享受唔到政府甚麼福利了.

    忘記了,計少了政府那6000元, 我會用來買20個銀幣 XD

  7. 回旺旺,
    妳要當租樓出去係一盤生意, 而做生意妳都要交利得稅的和也有一些支出 ;)

  8. 還有稅局會扣出一些維修費俾妳的, 不過唔好問我點計, 因為我唔會理呢D的, 俾咗當bonus 囉 XD !

  9. 出租樓一定要報稅!
    比稅局捉到唔止要補交 + 3倍稅,近年暪物業稅cases幾乎全部要坐監!

  10. 買樓收租最大的風險係租霸同埋室內BBQ, 唔好花精花去暪稅, 有時間就留心選客......雖則都要睇運仔.

  11. 謝馬沙講解 :)
    其實香港稅率是好低的啦, 比起荷蘭收稅50%-80% !

  12. 講開租客,今次算係選到好租客,舊業主剛簽了兩年租約,俾一對公務員夫婦加一個仔,住客背景簡單純正,最好佢地年年續租,我自己都係公務員,有左身份証副本,基本上係政府內聯網,已經起左佢底係那個部門,所以都唔驚佢地欠租:)

  13. 回旺旺,
    恭喜妳得到個好租客 :)

  14. Never 暪物業稅 especially you are 公務員.

    I don't know why Management fee cannot be deducted from the rental income, it's unfair to the landlord.
