2011年11月2日 星期三



Dr. Stephen Leeb, investment advisor and author of The Oil Factor and Red Alert, says a resource war is going on and the US is losing out to China. While US fights wars China to secure oil, China buys up resources with contracts. Leeb says US checkbook pretty thin for this kind of diplomacy and a like a frog being boiled in water doesn't know what's going on. Meanwhile, as the Federal Reserve meets this week, Leeb says more money printing means gold could accelerate from here.

Stephen Leeb 寫咗本[Game Over]告知世人, 資源就來用完, 所以價格會大升, 而最近寫咗本[Red Alert]告知世人, 中國買曬世上資源 !


Stephen Leeb is the chief investment officer of a New York-based money management firm, and the author of seven popular books on economics and investment, including the bestselling "The Coming Economic Collapse." He holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the Wharton School of Business, and an MA and PhD from the University of Illinois. Famous for his accurate predictions (especially of the dot.com collapse and $100-a-barrel oil), he is frequently quoted in the financial media, including The Wall Street Journal. He is a regular guest on Fox News, NPR, CNN, and Bloomberg.
This biography was provided by the author or their representative.

