2011年11月14日 星期一



The North American silver retail investment market is dominated by the United States, which has recently benefited from robust demand for (in particular) its 1oz Eagle bullion coin, 100oz bars and1oz rounds. However, in recent years there has also been a substantial gap between the level of Eagle coin production and the total consumed locally. This has been due to the substantial flow of coins into Europe, especially into the German speaking countries of Switzerland, Austria and, especially, Germany itself. In recent years there have been quite distinct trends in the United States in terms of the consumption of bars and coins, each of which are discussed below. Looking first at the coin market, the production of Eagles has surged in recent years, after remaining broadly stable during the 1999-2007 period, at an average of 9.4 Moz(292 t) per annum. However, in 2008 total off take leapt to a record high of 19.7 Moz (613 t), before rising to 34.7 Moz (1,079 t) in 2010. This year, a fresh peak will be set, in excess of 41 Moz (1,275 t),which will therefore achieve a similar gain to the 20% improvement posted in 2010. The US Mint’s impressive outturn has presented the Mint with a series of challenges, principally in terms of sourcing sufficient quantities of blanks (not only to produce bullion coins, but also to satisfy the range of commemorative coins released each year).

9 則留言:

  1. 墨西哥係大產銀國,但佢的銀幣又唔多人買?

  2. 回honson,
    168槽大說:五大幣:鷹楊、愛樂、楓葉、澳洲(樹熊/笑鳥/生肖)、熊貓, 無天使份 ! XD !

  3. @Lisa
    任何物件..Goodwill 是必需的

  4. Lisa
    我做完白銀美白的測試了 ~ 可以去我度睇睇....嘻嘻 :)

  5. 好堅呀...我都試吓先...soda粉係邊有得買

  6. 回細芬女,
    soda粉五金舖有得賣, 不過唔好用在收藏幣上, 會對D銀幣有傷害 !
    剛才在Kitco forum 見到用整濕的抹銀布抹對銀幣最少的傷害 !

  7. soda粉用在銀條就無乜所謂啦 :)

  8. 同意 (1)- sode 唔好用在收藏幣.
    同意 (2)- sode 用在銀條就無乜所謂.
    我開頭偷我老婆整蛋榚d sode 粉, 後尾比佢發現左,咁就自己去雜貨鋪買, 原來好鬼死平架炸... :)

  9. 我用過soda粉抺煲同抽油煙機...真係好鬼乾淨..去油漬一流....去雜貨舖買5過幾一盒,好平的說...
