2011年11月10日 星期四

I Would Prefer Silver To Gold Just On Relative Value


We're certainly going to have more crises coming out of Europe and America; the world is in trouble. The world has been spending staggering amounts of money that it doesn't have for a few decades now, and it's all coming home to roost.

I would prefer silver because it is still depressed on a historic basis. Silver is thirty percent below its all-time high. Gold is ten percent below its all time high. I would prefer one just on relative value, silver is probably better. I am not buying either today, but I am certainly not selling. If they go down, I will buy more.

9 則留言:

  1. 都唔知羅生要跌幾多佢先會出手再買....又唔比的提示 :(

  2. honson,Rogers一向都好少比提示,佢大把貨,多DD與少DD分別不大.佢個門生曾廣標E+都好少見佢D專欄叫人買金.

  3. 羅生叫人買金時是在2006年 !

  4. We have read about one Chinese counterfeiter openly bragging about producing 100,000 fake U.S. Silver Dollars per year, and that’s just one counterfeiter. At this point, we are telling all investors of gold, or silver coins, and or any type of precious metal bar to only buy from a reputable U.S. dealer, that has an established track record, and a money back guarantee. We fear this Chinese counterfeit gold, or silver coins, or bars, could be a multi billion dollar a year business, and we greatly fear many innocent investors could be taken to the cleaners.

    Based on our research some of the Chinese counterfeit coins, are of such high quality, it is not uncommon for even experts to be deceived. We think its smart for every investor to have gold, or silver, our big worry is pretty simple, what if they invest 10%, or 20% of their net worth in what are counterfeit precious metal coins, that are basically worthless? We would call this a disaster for the investor, and out big fear is there are probably tens of thousands of investors in the United States, who have been duped. Even worse, once again for all intents, and purposes the U.S. Federal Government is a no show-once again.”

    “The world needs to come to grips with the largest counterfeiter in the world, the fact that 10% of China’s GDP is a direct result of counterfeiting. If it’s not knock off pharmaceuticals, that can kill people, it’s high tech smart phones, or electronics. Our new worry is pretty obvious related to Chinese counterfeiters bankrupting innocent precious metal, or coin investors, with what could be their life savings. At what point do consumers in the United States, Europe, Japan, or the rest of the world say no thanks to any more Chinese products, given its uncaring attitude about flooding the global markets with counterfeits, or fakes?”


  5. 謝kidthief,
    我在秋仔樂園都見到報告, 而Perth Mint blog 也有寫 !
    所以唔敢在ebay 買銀, 只會去有誠信的店舖買 !

  6. 請問秋仔樂園係唔係那個link的NWO Blog?

  7. 回kidthief,
    係呀, autumnson=秋仔 !

  8. 我已盡量避買中國出的銀幣, 第一因為已炒到好貴, 而第二唔知真假 !
    還有外國個D古幣都好危, 如美國個D Morgan 銀幣, 見到好旺角好多賣 !

  9. 要買二手銀幣最好去東洋和大洋, 會有保障D, 因為都是老字號 !
