2011年11月4日 星期五



CANBERRA -- State Deputy Director of Public Health Dr. Chrissie Pickin confirmed on Friday that a rare disease that has never been diagnosed in the southern hemisphere, named tularaemia, has been discovered in Tasmania. Tularemia is an infectious bacterial disease which is transmitted through direct contact or biting ticks. Two women in western Tasmania reportedly contracted the disease after they were bitten and scratched by sick possums. Pickin said both women have recovered, and warned the public to refrain from handling wild animals and consult their physician if scratched or bitten. Although the disease is known in North America and parts of Asia and Europe, it is suspected that the case in Tasmania is the first in the southern hemisphere. Veterinarian Dr. James Harris said tularaemia has various effects on humans, including septicemia and pneumonia. He added that the disease can be successfully cured with antibiotics, but when left untreated, it can be fatal.

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/health/2011-11/04/c_131229538.htm

4 則留言:

  1. 唔係, 是會咬人的昆蟲, 好似大陸都出現過, 所以俾蟲咬, 可大可小 !

  2. 回nlpsonia,
    大陸個D係, 呢D在澳洲出現的可能都係, 所以去旅行要小心 D !
