2011年12月3日 星期六

Ann Barnhardt: "Get the Hell Out of All Paper"

silverdoctors.blogspot.com 全文

Ann states that MF Global has destroyed the integrity of the entire system, and it is time to GET THE HELL OUT OF ALL PAPER ASSETS! She also states that we have literally progressed to the point where the world's central banks are attempting to kick the can down the road for a few more days at a time, and she will be surprised if we make it till Christmas.

Well get the hell out. Get out of all paper and it's not just the commodities markets. This is going to cascade through everything. It is going to get into the equities. It is going to get into 401ks and IRAs, it is going to get into pension plans and so on and so forth. Total systemic collapse. Get out!

I don’t know how I can be anymore plain about this. I say this over and over and over again and then I get scads of emails saying, well I can’t get out of my 401k. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Take the penalty and get the hell out of there. What would you rather do? Would you rather pay the 10% penalty or would you rather have it all go up in smoke? Because that's what we're staring down the barrel of...
What I saw this morning, what the Fed is getting ready to do in terms of Europe, is keep Europe going for another seven days. Well, fantastic. Thanks for that. That is literally the brain dead mindset of these politicians. All they are doing is looking to kick the can down the road. At first it was kick the can down another 10, 12 years. Then it is kick the can down the road for another year. And then it was well, let’s kick the can down the road for another few months. Now we're literally to the point where all we can do is kick the can down the road for a matter of a few days. It's not going to make it. I will be very surprised if we make it until Christmas.

Obama and his Marxist czars come up with the plan to collapse THE System. Corzine, an intimate of Obama, is given an outline of a plan that will precipitate the collapse of our financial system. It begins with Corzine's intentional massive multi billion dollar bet that the Euro/greek debt would be bailed out. He knows it won't get a bailout since that fix is in but goes along with the plan. His reward is the opportunity to loot MF Global of $1 billion or so. JPM gets the Phyzz.
JPM gets the ECB to call the Greek bad bond failure a 'haircut instead of a default. With a haircut JPM loses maybe $5 billion in Greek bond value instead of the $50 billion they would lose as the guarantor of that debt default. $5 billion? A reasonable loss given the worst case scenario. I am sure JPM will be be made whole with some sort of counter party remuneration along the way.
Corzine goes underground and this massive sum of money simply disappears. If $700,000,000,000 in stimulus money can flow away like water into sand, I expect that $1,000,000,000 would be easy to make disappear. My bank made $900,000,000 disappear in bonds back in 1990. No one went to jail then either.

7 則留言:

  1. 又係高...人?

  2. 回nlpsonia,
    中國自己大把金銀, 要擔心的是歐美國家 !
    美國想立法俾軍人有權在任何國家拉任何人, 睇來美國人民的人身安全難保啦, 恐怖過共產國家 !
    美國好多人教人埋地底唔知幾多尺, 可以唔俾金屬探測器測到 XDDD !

  3. 大陸見有本書, 叫
    時寒冰說 經濟大棋局, 我們怎麼辦
    簡體版PDF LINK

  4. 回david395,
    唔曬睇都知要買實物 : 物業(唔借貸), 實金實銀, 糧食 !
    Keep the money in your own pocket :)

  5. hi lisa already bought first lot of physical gold 168x

  6. 回david395,
    只要知自己做緊乜和承擔風險 :)
