2012年1月20日 星期五

disallow replica coin listings on eBay.com, effective February 20

沒知呢樣代表乜野 ?
唔可以賣複製幣還是加個 [copy] 就可以賣 ?
所以大家最好唔好買複製銀幣, 唔係將來俾人告侵權, 咁就賣唔到出去了, 須去忠記溶幣 !

原來只可以賣有[COPY]印的翻版幣, 而其他唔可以賣, 只持有都違法 !


It's illegal to own any counterfeit or fake or copy, unless the word COPY is stamped into to coin and can be read noticeable.

Kitco forum

The eBay marketplace for coin collecting is vibrant. Buyers and sellers alike enjoy access to both a great selection and a highly engaged community. Customers within the Coins & Paper Money category have told us that the ability to shop and sell confidently on eBay is an important factor for them.

Based on this feedback, and after closely reviewing the coin experience on eBay, we have decided to update eBay's Stamps, currency, and coins policy to disallow replica coin listings on eBay.com, effective February 20. Any replica coin listings on eBay on February 20 will be allowed to end normally.

This update reflects standards across the coin industry and helps ensure compliance with applicable laws that require replica coins to be permanently marked with the word "copy." We also expect that this update will increase marketplace confidence by letting our community know that coin listings on eBay are authentic, so they'll receive the most positive eBay experience possible.

As always, thank you for selling on eBay.


The eBay Seller Team

11 則留言:

  1. 賣冒牌貨人會唔會話俾人知賣冒牌貨?

  2. 回Yan,
    呢個網就有好幾款, 寫明: morgan dollar design, silver eagle design, buffalo design.....
    其實全部是新鑄出來的 silver rounds ! 將來有機會俾人說是侵權 !

  3. 我在好旺角商場地下見過有間鋪頭飾櫃擺放了一些早年的銀熊貓"章",老闆講唔係銀熊貓幣,因為是翻鑄個款式及圖案並無幣值,只係銀熊貓章,價錢好平,接近銀價,不過因為無幣值,加上唔知真偽,所以上次我問完就無買了.


    又知多一點點了,謝謝Lisa姐 :D

  4. 早兩年前返國內旅行住酒店睇電視,都見過有一套係孫中山/袁大頭/唔知咩咩元帥等等的銀章賣,係套裝有30個,有錦盒可以訂購的,都聲稱係由原裝銀幣用銀翻鑄出來的,但現在不知國內還有沒有翻鑄銀幣成銀章賣了!!

  5. 回Macy,
    我在 Kitco forum 都見到有講翻版銀貓, 說因為全個咁翻版是偽幣, 可以坐監, 但無幣值, 就無咁嚴重 !
    不過依家奧巴馬想簽[網絡侵權法], 所以ebay 也驚起上來, 所以出來管制 !

    大多數偽幣/翻版幣是來之中國(睇我早前貼的 video), 所以去內地好易買到假野, 大家要小心D !

  6. silver eagle 都係? 咁係咪都唔可以買呀?

  7. 回小初哥,
    買時要認清楚, 真鷹楊有幣值, 寫住 [one dollar], 而翻版無幣值, 只寫住[one troy ounce 999 fine silver] !

  8. 還有半盎司和1/4盎司silver eagle 全都是 silver rounds !

  9. 多謝Lisa姐提醒,其實犯法應該係翻鑄的人,但我怕買了不是用銀做的假銀幣,自己又見識不多,所以一有疑問我就不會購買了 !! :D

  10. 回Macy,
    好多人都唔知呢個例, 所以好易中計 !
    妳是聰明女, 所以可保唔買到假幣 :)

  11. 回Lisa姐,

    如果少左Macy被欺騙,壞人可能會覺得難得手,做左假銀幣賣不去就不會再做更多假銀幣欺騙其他人員!! :D

