2012年1月21日 星期六

The Evolution of the US Dollar

美國最初發行的是 Morgan Dollar, 而之後發行的是 Peace Dollar !
所以真正的古董銀幣是 28克重, 而唔係一盎司, 而一盎司Morgan/Peace銀幣都是翻版幣 !

而 Martin Armstrong 想帶出的是早期美元是用真銀鑄出來的 !


Martin Armstrong has released a must read 31 page historical study of the history of the US dollar:

The United States “dollar” was the adoption of the German monetary unit “thaler” that had become synonymous with the silver coin of about 28 g. Therefore the dollar was actually based upon the Spanish silver 8 Reales coins commonly called dollars which had become the mainstay of the colonial monetary system.
The term “Piece of Eight” refers to the fact that these coins were often cut into “pieces” to make small change. These pieces were called a “bit” representing 12.5 cents and thus 8 bits was equal to 8 shillings which equaled a pound. By the time the US dollar was created in 1794, "two bits" was equal to 25 cents (quarter dollar).

