2012年1月9日 星期一

Get Gold, Silver, & A Foreign Passport Before the Collapse

邊個還想移民去美國 ? 邊個還羡慕美國的自由民主 ?
原來全是假象 !
美國依家已軍國過俄國和中國 !


Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante tells SGTbull that besides gold and silver, a foreign passport is a necessity prior to the coming collapse.

2 則留言:

  1. Lisa,

    so busy at work and trading. did not get a chance to reply. time flies so quickly and a lot of US people already forget the importance of NDAA.

    NDAA 2011 + Patriot Act 2001 + Federal reserve + DHS/TSA = total control by US Govt and Corps in USA.

    honestly, no one seems to care. well, guess what... the people in poland saw hitler was coming before Nazi camp survived. lets get our financial house in order. expect the unexpecteds in 2012 - 2016.

    like Celente said, think for yourself. have a happy and healthy 2012.

    your supporter


  2. 回Bill Hong,
    謝 :)
    我都祝你有個健康快樂 2012 年 !

    美國人直頭是溫水煲蛙 !
