2012年1月22日 星期日

How To Identify Fake, Counterfeit And Copy US Coins

coinauctionshelp.com 全文

With the large premiums for rare dates and mint for certain US Coins, it is no surprise that unscrupulous sellers have minted their own versions of some of these coins. While other so-called "Coin Doctors" have gone through great pains to alter a mint mark, among other details, to make a coin more valuable.

I once saw an 1893-S Morgan Dollar at a coin show, and as the potential buyer inspected the coin, the "S" fell off the coin! Someone had cut the "S" off another, more common, Morgan Dollar and glued the "shaved" mint mark onto the back of an 1893-P. The list is endless on what some will do to make a common coin into a what appears to be a rare coin, but buyers can educate themselves so they don't get cheated out of their money.

以下呢個網有好多款新鑄翻版銀幣 www.coin-rare.com, 但只有在幣上有[COPY]印的才可以合法買賣

4 則留言:

  1. 原裝正印買唔到,

  2. 回honson,
    係, 不過好多新收藏家會當是真幣來買, 所以依家限定須加[COPY]字印 !

    我都唔知我手上個一枚印地安頭是否翻版幣 ? 因為它一早已在2000年由出名的 NTR Mint 發行, 翻美國錢幣 !
    不過佢真係好靘, 一睇就知是真銀 ! 好彩華興得一枚, 而在網上無貨, 唔係會買多幾枚 @_@ !

  3. Lisa 及 眾網友,


  4. 回Toki,
    我都祝你龍年身體健康, 金銀滿屋 :)
