2012年1月30日 星期一

War, Bank Runs, Riots & Gold Going Mainstream


With news from the Fed causing tremendous upside action in gold this week, and reports coming in from Los Angeles describing a massive military exercise in the streets of Los Angeles, today King World News interviewed Gerald Celente, Founder of Trends Research and the man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in the world. Celente had this to say about the Fed announcement and subsequent press conference: “You can see what’s happened to gold prices and how they’ve spiked up. There’s no way out and it’s not only the Federal Reserve, it’s also the European Monetary Union. Look at the games they are playing. We just saw, at the end of 2011, the ECB giving away some $600 billion in loans to banks at virtually no interest rate so they could buy up the bonds of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland. Nobody wants to touch these bonds.”

Gerald Celente continues:

“Look at what’s going on all over the world, there’s no way out of this. What they are doing by keeping interest rates low, through 2014, my God, this should be headline news, the raping of the American public. So this is a collapse in the making, right in front of everyone and gold prices and silver prices don’t lie, they’re reflecting it.”

When asked if Jim Sinclair’s statements that mainstream companies like GE, tech companies and others would enter the gold market, if this was a new trend, Celente responded, “I believe so. I believe a lot of people are going to move into gold. It’s going to go mainstream and it’s going to continue to go mainstream as you see more bank runs and riots....

Celente had this to say about urban military training in civilian areas of Los Angeles: “Wasn’t it on New Year’s Eve, when you were trying to celebrate, that Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act? So when I say fascists, it’s right there in front of you. It’s the ‘No Bill of Rights.’

They could take anybody out there that disagrees with the government, call them a ‘belligerent of the state’ and the military could come and take them away with no charges. No judge, no jury, no trial and Jack you’re dead. I’m saying, Eric, I believe they are instituting Battlefield America in this country and others as the system collapses.

(We’ve been talking about) Economic Martial Law and now you have the military in control, to make sure it doesn’t get out of control. Think about what would happen with a bank holiday. The systems are in place to keep the people in place. So I believe they are putting in Martial Law to support Economic Martial Law.

With the National Defense Authorization Act they repealed the 1878 the Posse Comitatus Act, which used to prevent the military from taking over police duties. This is against the Constitution in every manner possible.”

Celente also issued this warning regarding the State of the Union Address: “If I were to ask everybody, how did this speech start and how did it end? Most people won’t remember. But I can tell you how it started, it started with war and he ends it with war. He starts talking about Iran, the President is prepping the people for war. He began it with war, his State of the Union Address, and he ended it with war. Get ready for war.”

2 則留言:

  1. 2月華爾街...行動會唔會升級?

  2. 回honson,
    華爾街行動沒成氣候, 睇唔到有真正的領導人 !
