2012年2月1日 星期三

FBI to use Twitter to predict crimes


The FBI is trying to develop software that will scan Twitter and Facebook to look for ‘emerging threats’.

The Bureau is asking companies to build software that can effectively scan social media online for significant words, phrases and behavior so that agents can respond.

A paper posted on the FBI website asks for companies to build programs that will map sentiment and wrongdoing.

Although the software would only be able to look at information already in the public domain, free speech campaigners have raised concerns.

Jennifer Lynch, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told New Scientist that it could erode the sense of freedom provided by the internet. “These tools that mine open source data, and presumably store it for a very long time, do away with that kind of privacy. I worry about the effect of that on free speech in the US,” she said.

A spokesman from Privacy International told the BBC that the move risked placing large numbers of people under surveillance.

The FBI has previously been suggested that ‘scraping’ social networks is reasonable. The Department of Homeland Security claimed earlier this month that “information posted to social media websites is publicly accessible and voluntarily generated. Thus the opportunity not to provide information exists prior to the informational post by the user.”

The Bureau is currently asking potential contractors to estimate costs and suggest solutions. It is seeking software that can “enhance its techniques for collecting and sharing ‘open source’ actionable intelligence".

The proposed web portal will be able to translate from foreign languages as well as detect patterns of users misleading the police.

Although the police, including in Britain, already use Facebook routinely to ascertain the whereabouts of criminals, automatically filtering out irrelevant information remains challenging. The new FBI application will be able to automatically highlight the most relevant information. The FBI is seeking responses by 10 February.

9 則留言:

  1. i already said "someone" will make use of fb and all social media instruments to monitor the world and people. "Crime" is just an excuse.

  2. 回嘉芙蓮,
    好多人以為威脅來之共產黨, 其實NWO才是世界的大威脅 !

  3. 對,矛頭不是強國,捉錯用神只會越搞越禍!

  4. Lisa,有好多人仍不相信有NWO這回事,甚至未有聽聞.

  5. 有朋友聽過, 佢地GE 反應係 1)希望在明天 2)陰謀論 3)諗唔多做咩 4)WAH...你信D咁嘅嘢? 5)哦

  6. 回小初哥,
    好多人無幻想力, 只鍾意睇周星馳笑片, 如我老公 !
    好彩我已train 到我三個仔女都喜歡睇 science fiction 片 XD !

  7. If war between Iran and Israel does occur according to Lindsey Williams in this year and Obama can keep his president office for another term, and euro and US dollar do die by the end of this year, then i think more people will believe in NWO.(lets pray that US will not become a police state then)
    BTW, i think anti-christ may disguise as "good" alien and save the earth by defeating "bad" alien which is actually his partner. May be i think too much as i can watch this kind of story like "transformer"/"superman" from propaganda movies of banksters controlled Hollywood.
    Also, the "ZION" Olympic in London this year does frighten me and i hope no false flag attack on 11 Sept this year.
    Believe in Jesus Christ is the only way to get saved. Amen

  8. 回Curious,
    信乜都好, 一定要張開眼睇清楚真偽 !

  9. 小初哥,
    香港人多數採取煮到埋嚟先食又或者船到橋頭自然直的態度。亦所謂温水煲青蛙,冇法社會比吾到希望佢地。肯自强的一群如你make up the 20/80 rule la!
