2012年2月23日 星期四

Greece Agrees to Give Up All of its Gold to Obtain Latest Bailout


The devil is in the details. In this case, the details require Greece to give up all 111 tonnes of its gold in exchange for the latest bailout. Which means that should Greece ever decide to do what they should have done in May 2010 and default on the banksters, they will now be SOL as far as international trade is concerned.
As far as the banksters are concerned, Greece with its 111 tonnes of gold are merely a practice run for the main event: Portugal with 382.5 tonnes of gold, France with 2,435.4 tonnes of gold and Italy with 2,451.8 tonnes of gold.

But down there in the small print of the Greek deal lies the nasty side for Greece. There lies a heavy penalty clause; Greece's lenders will have the right to seize the gold reserves in the Bank of Greece under the terms of the new deal. Greece has 111 tonnes of gold. In other words Greece has given up on its "money in extremis", gold. If they default they will have nowhere else to go.
Its international assets will be seized and it will not be able to trade internationally at all.
Today we are watching both Iran and the Sudan use their gold to buy food for their country as they have nowhere else and nothing else to get it with. Under the terms of this new deal Greece has effectively forfeited that last resort. And if they wanted to pull a last card from the pack by insisting on a Greek jurisdiction for any final arbitration, they have forfeited that too, by agreeing that future bonds issued will be governed by English law and in Luxembourg courts, conditions more favorable to creditors.
The option of leaving the Eurozone and surviving independently has now gone. If they do default [and many think the shrinking economy will force them down that road] they will have to accept whatever terms they can scrape together from the E.U. in order to survive! Greece is now a colony of the E.U. not a member!

7 則留言:

  1. 回sym87u1009,
    咁又唔曬亡國的, 破產就可以啦, 不過咁個pandora 盒就打開啦, 會有連銷反應 !@_@

  2. Lisa姐,


  3. 回Samuel,
    大家都已睇穿美國為的是黃金, 利比亞如是, Iran 如是, 還有黑金=石油 !
    好彩中國精明, 藏金銀於民間, 想搶都唔會搶到中國政府頭上 !

  4. Lisa姐
    假若希臘破產 為了不讓希臘拖累其他歐元國家
    那必定踢他初歐元區 那...希臘無黃金 貨幣如何讓大家信任? 且那時黃金價格一定飆高 希臘更買不起 且其他債權團體也不會要希臘破產(能破產 早就破了 何必安排一個銀行家去管希臘?) 希臘又把黃金交出 又不能破產 又不能離開歐元區 只剩下一條路可以走 不停借錢直到最後完全聽令債權人的要求(國有的私有化 貨幣分配由"超主權團體決定")簡單的來說 就是歐洲統一 權力集中 這就是亡國

  5. Technically 係亡國like Japan. 有肉身冇靈魂吧了!

  6. Sym的見解非常深入,好野!
