Today Stephen Leeb told King World News the US government is now showing signs of desperation and fear regarding the gold market. Leeb is concerned the US is destroying its own currency and was not at all impressed by government efforts to label goldbugs as terrorists. Leeb is the acclaimed money manager who is Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management. When asked how he responds to the government labeling him and others as potential terrorists for owning gold and suggesting people buy gold because the US is going broke after going off the gold standard, Leeb stated, “The nature of a comment like that strikes me as desperation. When you are turning up the printing presses, common sense tells you that you are destroying your own currency.”
Stephen Leeb continues:
“You could probably get away with that if there were not an alternative currency out there but there is and it’s called gold. People are scared to death and whoever is saying that in the United States is scared to death that people will pick up on gold as an alternative currency.
They are also probably scared that China is buying so much gold. So when you hear these kinds of comments coming out it tells me that somebody is really worried. But clearly those kinds of comments speak of some kind of desperation, that’s how I see it.”
When asked what he is focused on in the gold market, Leeb responded, “Clearly Berananke still has his foot on the accelerator, I think the overall outlook is very, very good for gold. Clearly with China buying a lot of gold, the outlook for gold is very good, especially given there is very little incremental supply of gold (available for sale). Gold paused because of Europe. No one knows which way Europe is going....
“Everything has stopped in front of Greece. What are they going to do? We really don’t know yet. Now a couple of scenarios emerge. They are ‘when’ scenarios. It’s ‘when’ will gold go up dramatically, not whether it will go up dramatically.
(One scenario) If something goes awry in Europe, that could easily lead to a sharp and very big selloff in gold, just as was the case in 2008. People sold gold because they needed liquidity. Gold went down sharply and then it just zoomed (higher). It was like a rocket ship on the way back.
If it happens it will be temporary and you should buy all you can possibly buy because if you think we are flooding the world with money now, wait until you see what happens if Europe really starts teetering. They will literally, as Bernanke once said, they will be dropping it (money) from helicopters.
I think gold is setting up for a big move. No deflationary hiccup, which is basically what I would guess is going to happen. They will work things out in Greece. It’s not 100% certainly, but I would place the odds somewhere between 80% and 90%. In that case, I think it’s all clear for gold.
You may get a little volatility but then gold is off to the races. You’ve got our Fed ready to hit the accelerator again. The Europeans know they have to get things going. China is getting ready to ease. China is buying more gold and the available gold (for sale) is shrinking. So you don’t have to be a genius to say gold is going to go a lot higher.”
回覆刪除20/2 有加拿大麋鹿銀幣賣啦 !! :D
回覆刪除台灣咁快有 ?
美國都要2月22/24日才有貨呢 !
回覆刪除已經訂左,確認20/2會送貨了 !!:D
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個 Moose 貴過美國網啊, 不過隻狼就平 !
回覆刪除我親戚係台灣人,會先送去佢地址,之後會帶來香港給我 !!:D
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回覆刪除呢間好平, Kitco 有競爭對手啦 !
Hello, Macy
回覆刪除你有冇幫襯過台灣豐榮銀幣, 他們也可以ship貨來香港,唔知佢地信譽好,還是炫麗好?
Thanks CS,
回覆刪除lpm連PAMP金條都有, 加拿大楓葉金幣價錢拍住中銀, 真的好介紹, 有競爭對我們是好事.
Hk kitco 好似唔入2012笑翠鳥1 安士!?
回覆刪除前排有人問過 Kitco, 說無2012 1盎司笑翠鳥啊 !
Did anyone notice the gold price movement this morning. It went back and forth between 1720 and 1760 in no time. Maybe they are setting the stage for something big to come.
回覆刪除我親戚工作關係常常會來往香港台灣兩地,故此可以代Macy買回來我才給錢他 !!:D
炫麗有自己出銀塊,公司又近我台灣親戚屋企,而且較快有新銀幣,所以會在那兒買多 !!:D
呢間間中見有特別銀幣我都會買的 !!
回覆刪除Osker Lau 今日叫老豆去攞貨,發現原來網站個價錢係好多都係錯的,網站話$295,去到時要$300,小喇叭。
LPM網上價可能唔係 Live !
那你對Truney此店的評價如何? 此店的幣比炫麗平得多.可靠嗎?
回覆刪除不用客氣,Macy只係小妹妹並不是達人喔 !!:D