2012年2月27日 星期一

World Bank to China: Reform your economy or face collapse

佢地就想中國殘賣資產啦 !
隻狐狸關心雞仔的安危 !


The World Bank and a Chinese think tank have a stern warning in store for China's government: Transition to a freer commercial system, or else face an impending economic crisis.

The "China 2030" report, released by the World Bank on Monday, recommends China enact reforms promoting a freer economy. Those reforms include a major overhaul turning China's powerful state-owned companies into commercial enterprises.

The report is compiled by the World Bank and the Development Research Center, a research group that reports directly to China's State Council. It encourages China to also promote innovation, competition and entrepreneurship as a means of economic growth, rather than allowing growth to be primarily government engineered.

The world's second largest economy has been rising rapidly, averaging around 10% growth a year for the last three decades. Much of that momentum has come as China's rural population moves into the cities and as the government has funded massive infrastructure projects and retained a powerful influence over the country's biggest companies.

State-owned companies dominate China's banking, energy, telecom, health care and technology sectors. Overall, they account for about 40% of the country's gross domestic product, estimate Andrew Szamosszegi and Cole Kyle, who have researched the topic for the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

Their latest report to the commission puts it bluntly: The Chinese government has not "expressed an interest in becoming a bastion of free market capitalism."

Critics point out that China cannot keep up its rapid growth under this system forever. Emerging economies tend to start slowing when their economy reaches about $16,740 per capita, according to research by economists Barry Eichengreen of the University of California at Berkeley, Donghyun Park of the Asian Development Bank and Kwanho Shin of Korea University.

They suspect China will hit that point around 2015. The report forecasts that economic growth in China will gradually slow, from an average of 8.6% in 2011-2015 to an average of 5% in 2026-2030. Without the reforms, the report said China would be on an even slower growth path.

The World Bank's report also suggested China should separate "ownership from management" of state-owned enterprises.

China has four major asset management companies that it originally created to oversee bad loans spun off from its four major banks. Currently, they're 100% owned by the Chinese government.

The report said the government should consider establishing state asset management companies that would represent the government as a shareholder, but would "independently and professionally" manage and trade assets in financial markets.

View this article on CNNMoney

17 則留言:

  1. Below is a comment from TFMetalReport.com that caught my eye. I do believe we are living in a manipulated world.

    "I became a conspiracy theorist at 19 while attending the Republican National Convention in 1968. I was a Repub, my Folks and Grandparents were Repubs, going back for generations. What I saw and experienced there changed my life forever.

    I met the EE. They thought I was "cute" and invited me into many of their smoke filled rooms. I met Nixon and Agnew, attended their "private" celebrations after receiving the nomination. What I saw "blew my mind".

    Miami Beach was hot that Summer, yet the delegates wives were decked out in full length mink coats, that barely avoided the pavement. Diamond earrings, diamond bracelets, diamond necklaces, millions of dollars of diamond jewelry was on display. It was as if the women were having a contest! I've never witnessed so much wealth in my life!

    The men without their wives had two very beautiful call girls, one of each arm, accompany them to the parties. It was all very accepted.

    Smoking in public was still legal, and delegate after delegate blew smoke rings from their expensive Cuban cigars. They rarely paid attention to what was happening on stage, they just lounged in their chairs and blew smoke rings. Now I know that they didn't have to pay attention, they had scripted the entire convention.

    So much happened that week that I cannot begin to convey it all. But this young econ/political science major came home in shock! I remember asking myself over and over, "Who are these people???????"

    And so when I read folks saying that we "have them on the run" I just chuckle. I don't think so. These folks control the world. They control everything. You and I are little ants to be stepped on. The only significance we have to them is to fleece us of the little we have, thereby adding to their own wealth.

    I believe silver and gold will rise when they allow it to. Not one second before.

    Their current manipulation is a gift. It gives us a fabulous opportunity to keep preparing for the insanity we all see on the horizon....

    edit to add:

    These men took us off the gold standard, thereby impoverishing our nation and greatly adding to their personal and corporate wealth. These men designed the Viet Nam War. I suspect that most of them are now dead, but their sons and daughters have taken over the reigns of control, and are bringing us closer and closer to another hideous war.

    That is why I appreciate each and every day. I like planting flowers and a garden. I like tending goats. It helps me to remember who ultimately is in charge."

  2. 由古之今, 洋人的行為都是強盜, 搶劫完北美洲後又搶劫南美洲, 反而中國人是真正的在外洋做生意 !
    如果中國唔夠強, 一早俾人瓜分了 !

  3. 改正: 先洗劫南美洲, 後騎劫北美洲 !
    好彩西方國家大多數人民都是老實的, 所以留下歷史書俾大家知真相, 唔似日本人, 當歷史無到, 想改就改 !

  4. lisa blog 多人睇喎!

    今日上LPM,鬼佬staff都睇緊 !

    (買左morgan 1 Oz, 笑翠 1oz 2012等)

  5. 回CS,
    係呀 ? XDDD !

    Say hello to Neil and Charlie :)

  6. 咁要出英文版先得喇!

  7. Lisa,
    我買左一個好醜的銀幣, 要退貨了><

  8. 唔怪知國語都得
    SLV member 有折
    Lisa blog member 都有吧, Charlie?

  9. 回wahd,
    睇緊, go go go !
    對新金銀甲是壞消息 !

  10. 唉,聽日去買今日就升,天呀

  11. 明天 Kitco 和 LPM 都會勁忙, 因為好多人會追買貨 XDDDD !

  12. LPM, 有 D貨賣完?!



  13. 回cs,鹿有楓葉有龍有樹熊笑翠都有呀!


  14. 回Chic,下次去kitco記得帶住址證明開戶口,係第一次才要姐.
