2012年3月24日 星期六

Greyerz - Physical Gold Demand Enormous & Accelerating


Today Egon von Greyerz told King World News there is major demand for physical gold and it’s actually accelerating. Von Greyerz also said institutional money is going to aggressively enter gold and this will totally change the market. Egon von Greyerz is founder and managing partner at Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland. Here is what von Greyerz had to say about what is happening in the gold market: “We are seeing the low this week or we could be under pressure for another week. But thereafter, in April, if I look at the technical picture, gold looks fantastic. The next move will be a major move in both gold and silver.”

Egon von Greyerz continues:

“If I look at the physical market, we are seeing major demand and it’s actually accelerating. Again, we are looking at a paper market which is artificially manipulated short-term. It has no relevance at all for the gold market in the long-term.

There are two key drivers (for gold). One is technical and it looks and to me it looks like the next move (higher) in gold is going to be a big move. In our view it’s the fundamentals that drive this market. There is a lack of solutions (to the world’s financial dilemma), this means there will be unlimited money printing starting very soon.

I feel as confident as ever this is the main investment people have to own in order to protect themselves from what’s going to happen in 2012 and thereafter....

“I see a lot of investor groups and recently I made a presentation to a major group of Swiss asset managers. It’s the same story everywhere, they don’t own gold and they don’t understand the virtues of gold.

This is why I’m so bullish on gold because I see gold, having gone up in dollar terms almost 7 fold, and no major group owns gold. I am absolutely certain that this is the next big investment.

The institutional investors are going to go heavily into gold and that will totally change the market. As we know there isn’t the physical gold around the satisfy an increase in demand, so that can only be satisfied by a higher price.”

When asked about silver specifically, von Greyerz stated, “Silver has been under pressure and corrects more than gold when the market is down, but I see this as a mild correction that we’ve had in the last month. When silver turns, I think silver is going to go very fast. Once we go through the $35 - $36 level, I could see us going to $40 and beyond in a very short period of time.

Silver is not for the faint of heart because the volatility is enormous. My view is people should hold more gold than silver, but from a profit potential point of view, silver looks very much like it’s going to have a bigger move.”

17 則留言:

  1. Macy的投資朋友同意文中尾段指銀價短期內會有上調空間,而且升勢會較急,不知今次又可睇對市啦 !!:D

  2. 回Macy, 甘睇黎要再入的貨XD


  3. 回Chic Wong,
    Macy只買過利昌和長城,因長城長期等人賣先有貨,lpm 和 kitco又要開戶口,所以Macy多數買利昌的銀條.


  4. 回Macy,lpm係唔需要開戶口的,連身份證都唔需要睇.

  5. 回Macy, 唔係喎,lpm度我記得有拎過身份證出黎


  6. 回 Chic Wong,

    LPM 果度要身份證只係因為保安要。保安要你有相既證件登記, 先比張出入ICC既 smart card 你。我試過用有相既學生證都得, 其實唔一定要比身份證。

    而去到 LPM 買野, 全程都冇問過要比身份證登記。

  7. 回 Chic Wong,

    去利昌,你係要同D STAFF 問價錢架。其實如果你行埋去COUNTER 度, 有部好似係電腦 OR 電視既 MON 放左係 COUNTER 既左後便, 有即時銀價既。

    D STAFF 都好好人既, 你問左價, 心大心細諗下買定唔, D STAFF 地都唔會點既。

  8. 回Chic Wong,

    回NLP 和 DC,

  9. 回Chic Wong,
    多說一點,利昌買銀條分一兩,四兩和500g三種,除左銀的重量每條都會重少少(例如四兩銀條會是四兩重少少,放心不會輕過四兩的),所以買時伙計會磅比你睇實際總重量先計價錢,除銀價外要加手工錢(四兩$28,一兩$12,500g$95),500g手工應該加左,因為呢幾個月Macy貪整齊只買四兩銀條無買500g了,你可以打電話問左先 !!:D

  10. 回macy & dc,:

  11. 回Chic Wong,


  12. 謝Macy, 似金磚既感覺好吸引,金磚睇電視就睇得多,親身有一條就諗都未諗過,睇黎要整番條"銀磗"儲下,hehe

  13. 回Chic Wong,

    當初Macy都係見500g似金磚所以先買,不過梯型條始終唔夠長方條放得整齊哩 !!:D

  14. Macy,
    輪手工價錢, 4両平過500g ga ($28/4=$7/両,$95/13.3585=$7.1158/両)

  15. 回小C9,
    謝謝提供,Macy明白 !!:D
