2012年3月19日 星期一

Obama Signs National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order

奧巴馬簽署法例在緊急時期管制國家資源 !
中國愈來愈美國化, 而美國愈來愈中國化 !

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With absolutely ZERO coverage by the MSM and while the nation was fixated on their March Madness drug, President Obama Friday night signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order, outlining the Federal government's plans for 100% control of private resources, labor, and assets in the event of an emergency.

8 則留言:

  1. Lisa,
    United States of America officially being invaded WITHOUT a single shot being fired. Patriot Act, NDAA, and today's act. Obama could become forever figurehead. BUT, people would think we are crazy. oh well, lets prepare!!! something is brewing behind the scenes. the sheeple will get whacked.

  2. 回Bill Hong,
    你住在美國嗎 ?
    你地驚唔驚人身安全呢 ?

  3. IS Gold & Silver being deposited in US a kind of 'private resources' regarded by the act?

  4. Marc Faber老哥講過, 美國持有金銀係少數人, 呢D人會被當政者"祭旗"強迫沒收金銀. 所以佢叫人放金在海外.

  5. Lisa,

    Nope. I am currently residing in HK and fully aware of the current situation. Unfortunately, very difficult to influence others now. they are too busy with TV and their personal life. sheeps will not get up until chaos on the street. by then, it would be too late. the collapse already happened, (2008), just a slow process.

    IS Gold & Silver being deposited in US a kind of 'private resources' regarded by the act?

    NO. Obama can literally confiscate your resources based on this act. is this sound like Stalin or Chairman Mao??

    To Wahd: Dr. Faber knows his stuff. again, too radical for the mainstream. history will repeat itself. looks like 1933-1934 will happen again to turn over resources to the corrupted govt.

  6. 回Bill Hong,
    你好彩呀, 都係香港好 :)

  7. 緊急時期 ?? 何謂緊急時期 ?? 打仗又得,飢荒又得,核子災難又得,天然災害等等......完全是一個大陰謀,好在不是居住在美國 !!=.=!!
