2012年4月13日 星期五

CME says to cut silver, copper, palladium margins

又來減期銀按金, 睇來又想禁個銀價落去 !


SINGAPORE, April 13 (Reuters) - The CME Group will cut margins for silver, copper and palladium futures after close of business on April 16, it said in a statement late on Thursday.

The initial margin for COMEX 5000 silver futures <0#SI:> will be cut by 12.5 percent to $18,900 per contract, and the maintenance margin will be lowered to $14,000 from $16,000 per contract.

CME plans to decrease the margins on NYMEX palladium futures <0#PA:> by 9.5 percent. The new initial margin will be $5,225 per contract, and the maintenance margin $4,750.

COMEX copper futures <0#HG:> initial margins will be cut by 20 percent to $5,400 per contract, and the new maintenance margin will be $4,000. (Reporting by Rujun Shen; Editing by Sugita Katyal)

6 則留言:

  1. 點解減按金係壓銀價? 之前加按金就話要斬倉遮, 減按金又要斬?

  2. 回Kim,
    按金平咗, 可以大沽特沽呀 XD !

  3. 咁其實加, 減, 都不利銀價啦?

  4. 回Kim,
    其實要睇D金銀價操控者的意願, 佢地唔想金銀價升, 所以一定會控制 D 價格 !

  5. 其實,要等到失平衡失控的金銀價才會大升,果陣亦係亂世之時,唔係的操控者實控得店
