2012年4月2日 星期一

Gold, Silver Morning Update: Silver Explodes Through $33


Gold and silver have exploded higher in early COMEX trading this morning, with silver leading the way. Silver shot through resistance at $32.60 and has blasted nearly a dollar higher on the day to $33.19.
Really not much to say about this rally as it is classic action post options expiry. Time and again the cartel suppresses, caps, and raids silver (and gold) into options expiry, then allows the metals to run throughout the next week or two.
Also helping out this morning's rally is the first trading day for Q2, meaning we are likely seeing big inflows from hedge funds who had taken profits last week prior to the close of Q1.

Silver is likely to see resistance in the $33.30-$33.50 range today, and should it clear that, more significant resistance in the $34.50-$35 zone.

Gold has also broken higher, adding nearly $20 from $1665 to $1683. Look for gold to attempt to regain the $1700 level this week, a level that has seen gold consistently capped below over the past 2-3 weeks. At some point the bullion banks will have to retreat to higher ground, and set up camp again in the $1750-$1800 zone.

The $1800 level is the point of no return for the bullion banks, as should gold take out $1800 again to the upside, new all-time nominal highs are locked in. Look for this to happen later in the month should the Fed hint at QE3 at their April FOMC meeting, as is expected by PIMCO's Bill Gross.

4 則留言:

  1. 今日去東洋買膠袋老闆娘話賣剩一個2012銀熊貓,東洋賣$375真的那麼搶手嗎? 而家銀價升左,如果東洋再返貨一定會加價添!!

  2. 回Macy,
    不須太心急呀, 出去遇到平就會買, 貴可以唔買 !
    又唔係百年鈔票, 一買立刻升幾倍 XD !

  3. 回Lisa姐,
