2012年5月10日 星期四

Leeb - We Will Now See a Gold Standard Imposed in Europe


With stocks trading lower, along with gold and silver, today King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management. Leeb told KWN we will see a gold standard imposed on Europe. Leeb also said the Chinese will move to back the yuan with gold. Here is what Leeb had to say about the situation: “Gold is reacting to what’s going on in Europe. It’s the last resort of liquidity for a lot of people. It’s been the best performing major asset over the last 12 years. You have a lot of chaos in Europe and no one knows what’s happening, so there has been a lot of reflex selling of gold.”

Stephen Leeb continues:

“Gold has been a bit stronger than I thought it would be considering the danger of a euro breakup is accelerating.  I don’t think there’s any chance the euro holds together under its current form.  Unemployment among the young in Greece is about 50%.  That can’t stand, it just can’t.

These politicians can’t do this forever.  People are not going to tolerate starvation.  Sooner or later the politicians are going to have to respond.  This means less austerity and more growth, and the end of German hegemony in Europe.

This looks similar to the end of World War I.  Once the euro goes, it will be very much like the end of the war....
“You are going to have a lot of currency devaluation.  You are also going to see massive inflation.  Everybody knows what that means for gold.

So you are in the last hours of turbulence for the gold market (to the downside).  Once this correction ends, you are going to have a barnburner to the upside.  Gold will just vault.  I don’t think investors will even remember these frustrating days.  I had been warning we could see this drop in gold because of the problems in Europe, but investors should take advantage of it.

Look at what China is doing.  China is buying gold hand over fist right now.  They are going to move the yuan forward as the world’s reserve currency and it’s going to be partially backed by gold.  The world can also expect to see a gold standard imposed on Europe in the next 12 to 18 months. 

The junior gold stocks, the ones with honest to goodness reserves which have not been developed, they will see one of the greatest, if not the greatest bull market of all-time. 

But many of the big stocks have become like dinosaurs.  Stocks like Newmont and Barrick don’t have enough gold in the ground.  So what’s bad for Newmont and Barrick, is incredibly good for gold.  We are sitting on the cusp of what may be the greatest bull market we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes.”

Leeb also added:  “Prospects for QE3 are rising.  I think the stock market will make some sort of eventual top and just be range bound.  This is what happens when you have inflation taking hold.  We saw this in the 70s when stocks went nowhere for that entire decade, but gold and silver had massive gains. 

The only place to be is going to be hard assets and commodities.  Incidentally, both Glencore and Mitsubishi, two of the largest commodity companies in the world, have come out in the last day or so and stated that “commodity markets are tight.”  Once this is liquidation is over, commodities will go crazy.”

20 則留言:

  1. Lisa, 我覺得KINGWORLDNEWS講野好流, 下面依個BLOG就有POINT好多, 起碼唔係淨係識SELL金.


  2. 大家都在搶時間,歐元成功轉型成金歐元,就是美元崩潰之日。所以一定沒有那麽容易和簡單。

  3. 回Kim,
    差不多姐, 又是一個講金屬網誌 :)

  4. 我都烦kwn,次次讲jim sinclaire都在前边加个legendary。。。

  5. 老實講, 我覺得KINGWORLDNEWS講野好傳銷口吻.

  6. 回Kim.
    我只覺, 佢地想俾信心大家姐 :)

  7. 聽講信心, 係要自己做功課得返來的.

    而且淨係睇數字只係一面, 只係變成算術問題.

    什麼金歐元, 美元問題, 其實仲要睇埋綜合國力, 各國的博易角力. 某程度上我覺得你地睇得太間單, 美國實力不單單只在經濟上的.

  8. 就係咁, 每一個人在網格上可以遇到好多訊息, 而要接受某 D 訊息是靠緣份 !
    好多野也只是預測, 所以最終世界會變成點, 大家都要等到時才會睇到 !

  9. 起碼要先讀下歷史先啦. 歐洲統一? 自古羅馬至今都無人可做到, 統一左講乜野話, 寫乜野字? 你叫法國人講意大利文, 意大利人寫德文?

    美國實力淨係印銀字同埋借貸? 單單睇下緬甸話咁快放左昂山素姬出黎, 話咁快就做埋議員! 中國係週邊國家做左咁多年功夫, 一下就俾美國拎左去.

    正如日本仔軍票, 雖然係廢紙, 你一樣要用! 不如諗下收得埋D金都未必過得到三年零八個月, 原因係乜?

    好怕D人買金其實想等壞事爆, 其實要爆真係無咁易. 總之大家小心D啦.

  10. 回Kim,
    我唔知你睇咗我網誌幾耐, 而買實金只是為買保險萬一世界金融體系崩盤 !
    無人想世界出事, 不過唔到我地想唔想, 所以我也已指出風險所在, 一定要分散投資 !
    實金實銀要預手持十年八年, 而唔可以用全個身家去買 !
    歐洲我熟過你, 因為我在荷蘭長大的, 而荷蘭人會說:荷文, 法文, 德文, 西班牙文或意大利文 ! 只怪我無語言天份, 學整都只識荷文和英文 !

  11. 歐洲語言通一的問題, 歐洲人都諗過, 當時出咗一種語言叫 : esperanto, 當時有人去學, 不過照我睇來, 要全部國家去學個新語言, 不如用英文啦, 因為電腦一出, 全世界人都要用英文 !

  12. 實物金銀不是投資,而是保險,是很淺顯的道理。買保險的人,當然都希望永遠用不到。而金銀這份保單可以代代相傳。



  13. 金歐元,分作核心區和非核心區,並不等於歐洲統一。不同經濟狀況的國家強制使用統一貨幣政策,是極大的挑戰,但絕非不可以達到。論幅員遼闊和經濟狀況差異,中國的東西部差異,是超過南北歐差異的。

  14. 難道歐洲未出現過統一語文? 哪拉丁文是什麼? 世界語只係一種學術研究, 不要太認真. 荷蘭人識講其他語, 代表什麼?

    中國統一左多少年? 歐洲試左幾多年想統一? 如果中國分別咁大都統一到, 點解歐洲咁細都唔得?

    很多事情不是想當然耳, 歷史隠隠已有答案.

  15. 在歐洲依家拉丁文只有想讀醫學的人才會讀, 因為好多醫書是用拉丁文 ! 或神學或考古學都用到拉丁文 !
    瑞士人都識德文, 法文和意大利文, 因為佢地俾呢三個國家包圍, 所以一個歐洲國家學另一個國家的語言不是無可能, 只是面子問題吧啦 !
    歐洲聯盟會否散 band 大家都沒知之數 !
    我都沒知班精英的目的, 是真的想歐洲解盟, 還是只是想迫D資金流返去美元 ?
    大家都知佢地想統一世界貨幣, 而呢個貨幣好有可能是金和銀 !
    所以依家買入金和銀是和班精英對著捍, 因為佢地就係想到時大眾手上無實金實銀, 而要用天價同佢地換, 吸盡世界財富 !
    所以以為買實金實銀是多餘的人一定要好好反思 !

  16. 單單睇下緬甸話咁快放左昂山素姬出黎, 話咁快就做埋議員! 中國係週邊國家做左咁多年功夫, 一下就俾美國拎左去. <--- 不要太過相信傳媒所報導的新聞, 現在依然是軍人統治的, 美國不制裁是因為要入去做生意(機建項目),除了美國之外, 還有日本, 歐洲其他國家在這兩個月已經湧入去找生意了。(這些新聞是冇有報導的) 但中國已經係緬甸做了十幾年生意, 怎樣一下就俾美國拎左去呀??

  17. 美國就是驚中國強大起來, 所以一定要在中國週圍搞野, 而菲律賓如唔係美國掌都唔會咁勇的 !

  18. 我當初買實金都是為賺錢, 而金價由600美元升去1400美元時, 我都想過是否要沽出賺錢落袋 ?
    因為在期間睇咗好多網上資訊和 Stephen Leeb 本 Game Over, 所以改變策略, 把實金放倉底當保險, 最少可以留俾下一代人, 好過留廢紙 XDD !

  19. 有個重點係大家用個幾長既周期去睇,Lisa睇得超長,已經講緊下一代,而kim可能講緊呢幾年或者幾個月。如果一個唔同既時間討論,會有很多問題的。

  20. 回Ivan,
    買得實物的都唔會炒短線的, 除咗你和旺旺為大家代買銀幣, 一定要沽 XD !
