2012年7月27日 星期五

New Armenian Silver Coin Commemorates Noah’s Ark

由英國帶返來啦, 舊年買的1盎司2011年亞美尼亞銀幣, 全部無損傷, 雖然是買貴咗 ! 想買的人可以去幫襯旺旺或 Ivan !

2011年半盎司亞美尼亞銀幣, 大過1蚊港幣少少, 但厚好多, 167蚊, 謝 Silver Coin Story

2011 1/2 oz Silver Noah's Ark
Denomination:       200 Dram
Diameter:     27.66 mm
Thickness:     3 mm

2011 1 oz Silver Noah's Ark
Denomination:       500 Dram
Diameter:     38.5 mm
Thickness:     2.8 mm

Armenia 新投資幣 !


Posted by Contributor on August 17, 2011

The coin has a nominal value of 500 dram (equivalent to about $1.40 US or 1 euro) and is dated 2011. Each coin contains 1 troy ounce (31.1 grams) of 999 fine (essentially pure) silver, and is about 38.6 mm. in diameter.

According to a press release from coininvestdirect.com, the Noah’s Ark coin is produced by a private mint in Germany. The coin obverse carries the hallmark LEV of the Leipziger Edelmetall Verarbeitung (Leipzig Precious Metals Factory). LEV and CoinInvestDirect certify that the metal used to mint the coin has met the standards established by the London Bullion Market Association.

The new coin is available in wholesale quantities of 20 and 500 coins. Orders for the latter quantity are supplied with a sturdy and convenient wooden storage box. According to CoinInvestDirect, other sizes of the new bullion coin are planned to be released in the near future. Coins in ¼ and ½ ounce sizes will be available at the end of 2011, and large coins (5 oz., 10 oz., 1 kg., and 5 kg.) will be available in 2012.


The maximum mintages for 2011 dated coins are:

    1/4 oz - 500,000

    1/2 oz - 500,000

    1oz - 8,000,000

Republic of Armenia's Noah's Ark Bullion Coin Series

2011 Final Mintage Figures

1 oz.
Maximum authorized mintage: 8,000,000
Declared (final) mintage: 351,145

1/2 oz
Maximum authorized mintage: 500,000
Declared (final) mintage: 33,965

1/4 oz
Maximum authorized mintage: 500,000
Declared (final) mintage: 46,679

Note 1: Minting of 2011 dated coins is now closed and no further 2011 dated coins will be produced.

Note 2: 5oz, 10oz, 1kg and 5kg coins were introduced in January 2012. No coins in these weights bear the 2011 date.

- The "scratched sun" imperfection on some 2011 dated coins is the result of a production error at the mint where the sun area of the original, master die was cut too deep. The reverse of the 2011 1/4 oz, 1/2oz and 1oz coins were all created from the same master die, hence the higher relief area of the sun is present in all three sized coins and this can result in scratch marks of the surface area of the sun.

- This production issue was identified by the mint and has been rectified during the process of cutting new dies for the new 2012 dated coins.

- Not all 2011 dated coins are affected by the "scratched sun" imperfection. Investigations have revealed that one coin in every tube of 20 - the coin located at the very bottom of the tube - is significantly less likely to be affected by scratch marks on the sun area. Mint-sealed tubes may also contain more unscratched coins, however the nature of the imperfection means that further occurrences in the same tube are less likely.

 Ivan 之前收到的Noah's Ark 1盎司銀幣有少少損傷是因為鑄廠的問題, 而唔係幣商的問題, 但半盎司的應該無問題的 !

本人舊年已叫女兒在英國買咗2011年1盎司的, 所以沒知賣相如何 ? 當時銀價在 35美元, 所以再加20%消售稅和貴英鎊, 本人買入價是 405蚊1枚 !

34 則留言:

  1. 睇發行量, 2011年半盅司最值得買 !

  2. 半盎司新西蘭發行的菲濟海龜就新到搵唔到資料 ! XD !

  3. 八百萬但出得三十幾萬,五十萬但出得三四萬,會甘虎頭蛇尾既?會唔會到時又補出番未夠既數?

  4. 回Chic Wong,
    受笑翠鳥的教訓, forum 的人好肯定的說, 2011年的不會再加鑄 :
    Note 1: Minting of 2011 dated coins is now closed and no further 2011 dated coins will be produced.
    可能因為之前無乜人識, 所以消售量唔理想, 而我都當時只在德國網睇到有賣 !
    2012年的發行量就可能會大 D, 因為我依家見到澳洲D網都有賣, 由1/4盎司至5公斤都有 !

  5. http://www.preciousmetalhouse.com/fiji-silver-taku-turtle-2012.html

    Condition Uncirculated
    Year 2012
    Country New Zealand
    Refiner New Zealand Mint
    Face Value $1
    Purity 999
    Weight (g) 15.5500
    Thickness (mm) 1.90
    Diameter (mm) 23.59

  6. 我在年初也買了一枚noah.主要是主題是聖經故事。但這些小國出品幣。買一。兩枚就夠了。要買投資幣。還是買五大投資幣好。
    這些 小國出的幣。當買來欣賞還可以。作為投資幣來儲。絕不是好選擇

  7. 今次真係講都唔信, 上ebay睇kitco隻厚鼻龍, 而家usd130, 諗住買隻比侄仔, 點之打上kitco, 話返50隻, 貨未到已全部賣晒, 話叫我過兩日再問, 睇吓可唔可以再返到貨喎. 痴線.

  8. 回旺旺,
    Armenia 在歐洲唔陌生 :)
    買投資幣最緊要接近 spot 又多D唔同圖案 !

    1. 這裡是香港。
      可能lpm。kitco 等大店仍未發現潛力。只有能靠個人的轉售去賣的投資幣。靠你們的推動了 : )
      這些作為個人欣賞買一兩隻還可。投資幣最重要是國際認受性。每個月我都會買一定數量的銀幣放倉底。買楓葉我買得不用擔心. 有甚麼吸引力。我由每月買幾十隻楓葉轉去買noah? 我完全每法想像

    2. 目的有點唔同。楓葉跟spot走,Noah's 係銀價上的溢價可以有點想像空間。

      反正都係 9999, 999既分別,溶左之後還不是一樣嘛!

  9. 自己睇下Noah's Ark 受唔受歡迎 ?

  10. High relief dragon 跌價中
    呢D幣就係買一枚來欣賞好啦, 還要去PM買, 唔好買炒高的幣 :)

  11. 我想主要是因爲如果海外買方舟幣只要280港幣,但香港加上運費和銀行費用,成本在300以上,貴過楓葉40元,所以未必適合大規模類似楓葉那樣一筒筒儲存。

    澳洲人拿方舟去比翠鳥,當然是方舟便宜。而事實上對香港人,方舟貴過考拉。考慮到perth mint的名氣,加上考拉年年換團案,在考慮往年考拉的價格變化,如果嫌楓葉悶且沒有半盎司,又怕加拿大麋鹿和美洲獅起白點,大規模儲藏考拉還是相對可取的選擇。


  12. 厚鼻龍 那個好像是 銅幣?

  13. 回旺旺,
    係妳自己說移民帶去外國賣嘛, 而 Noah 在外國無人會當是陌生野 :)
    就如墨西哥天使一樣, 唔係五大幣之一都會有人買 !
    不過呢, 大家點買買幾多, 自己去衝量, 而我就好開心可以買到心頭好 XD !
    細細粒, 超可愛 :)

  14. http://www.coins.com.hk/chi/can_dinosaur.htm

    細芬女 如果本地貨源又不怕貴,可以看這個

  15. 原來細芬女說厚鼻龍, 而唔係 high relief 龍 XDD !
    厚鼻龍好特別, 不過我地唔係買玩具, 而買投資實銀 !

  16. RCM最近發行很多$20的1/4盎司幣,難道是為歸位金銀本位作準備?



  17. 回Samuel,
    apmex 在 dump 2011半盎司永久楓葉, 平過我地團購價 !
    所以想買平幣, 等 apmex 減價啦, 好似說 6月會來一次大減價 !

  18. 北極熊和獨木舟在apmex 依家都還是貴, 因為 Canadian Mint 賣價是 20加幣 !

  19. RCM直接賣雖然便宜,但是限定每戶幾枚,好像我們的ibond那樣。

  20. 回Samuel,
    不過如果溢價太高, 我就唔會買啦 XD !

  21. 1/4盎司銀幣一定要200或少過200蚊(特別幣如加拿大政府出個D), 最好可以近 100蚊
    1/2盎司銀幣一定要 under 200蚊, 除非是特別幣或舊版幣 !

  22. 隻龍我都係兩日後call call kitco先算, 288 同468 差成倍.希望kitco唔好見好賣, 就加價...不過講開北極熊, 係咪kitco 288嗰隻, kitco返咗貨喎, 我買唔到隻龍都買到隻熊...幫呀媽完咗個心願...

  23. 我想入批polar bear同獨木舟,大概都要220,唔知大家意欲幾高?

  24. 想買英女皇,我已經有之前三枚$20了。

  25. 回isvzaen,
    想買英女皇等apmex 有貨才買吧 !
    1/4盎司的幣現得65蚊的銀值, 所以賣150蚊都已是貴 !
    220蚊的加拿大20加幣小銀幣, 我最多會買一枚或完全唔買(我覺只有北整熊靚D, 其他可以唔買除非是好平) !
    所以如果可以用25美元買到最好呢 !
    apmex 好多時可以把加拿大貴幣低過廠價賣出 !

  26. 英女皇是什麼樣?上圖唔該!

  27. http://forums.silverstackers.com/topic-25414-2012-new-canadian-20-for-20-coin-on-its-way.html

  28. 原來網上的資訊是亂來的, 隻半盎司海龜放唔入30mm 盒, 不過就可以用到 32.5mm 盒 !
    所以是大過半盎司Noah's Ark !

    Condition Uncirculated
    Year 2012
    Country New Zealand
    Refiner New Zealand Mint
    Face Value $1
    Purity 999
    Weight (g) 15.5500
    Thickness (mm) 1.90
    Diameter (mm) 32.63 (用旺旺度買來的尺度過)
