2012年6月8日 星期五


http://silverdoctors.blogspot.co.uk/2011/04/long-term-effects-of-low-level.html 全文

What Is Iodine

Iodine comes from the Greek Word ioeides which means violet.  Iodine is the largest of the 25 elements that make up the human body.  Our depleted soils and poor diets cause many people to be iodine deficient.  Iodine is a water soluable essential trace element that is fairly rare in our soils, but abundant in the sea.

Because  Iodine   is water soluable it travels in the lymph fluid and delivers this critical element to every cell of our body.  Iodone has the highest vibratory rates of all elements.  It is usually one of the 4 most critically missing elements in humans.

What Does Iodine Do?

Really, almost everyone is probably deficient in Iodine  Iodine  and certain natural healthy foods are  goitrogens.

When these goitrogenic foods are eaten raw,  they prevent iodine uptake by the thyroid gland,  cooking does diminish this problem.    Until Radioactive Iodine quits circling the earth, I'll skip these foods.   It's important to consider adding Iodine rich foods If you eat a lot of the following: (以下食物防止典吸收, 所以須避免生吃或少吃為妙)

   *  Broccoli, Chinese broccoli, Bok Choy, Bamboo shoots
   *  Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage,
   *  Kale, Collar greens, Mustard greens, Spinach
   *  Pears, Peaches
   *  Peanuts, Pine nuts
   *  Sweet Potatoes, Turnips
   *  Radishes, Rutabagas
Soy anything

How Much  Iodine  Do I Need?
According to the World Health Organization there are iodine deficiences in 54 countries.  Processed foods lose their iodine content, and refined sugars have no iodine.  Iodized salt can provide excess amounts.

The thyroid and other organs can't store iodine so your body need to have a little every day, about 150 microgram as a daily requirement.  Too much iodine can be toxic.

Potassium Iodide  (KI)

Potassium iodide is available without prescription and may protect the thyroid against exposure to radioactive iodine if a sufficient amount is taken before or within 24 hours of the radiation exposure.  It must continue to be taken every 24 hours until the emergency has passed.  KI will not help with radiation damage to other parts of your body.The FDA has approved two different forms of KI, tablets and liquid, that people can take by mouth after a nuclear radiation emergency.  Tablets come in two strengths, 130 milligram (mg) and 65 mg.  According to the FDA, the following doses are appropriate to take after internal contamination with, or likely internal contamination, with radioactive iodine:

   *  Adults should take 130 mg tablets OR two mL of solution
   *  Breastfeeding women should take the adult dose of 130 mg
   *  Children 3 and 18 years of age should take one 65 mg tablet OR 1 mL of solution
   *  Children who are adult size >150 pounds should take the full adult dose
   *  Infants and children between 1 month and 3 years of age should take 1/2 of a 65 mg tablet OR 1/2 mL of solution
   *  Newborns from birth to 1 month of age should be given 1/4 of a 65 mg tablet or 1/4 mL of solution

If you're unable to find an oral source of iodine, you can still put Betadine or other Iodine tincture on your skin.  DO NOT DRINK IT!   This method is said to block thyroid radioactive iodine uptake up to 99 percent.  You can paint a patch on the abdomen, or on your throat above your thyroid, it will be absorbed into your skin.

Personally, I prefer super saturated Potassium iodide (SSKI) on the soles of the feet.  Your body will absorb the amount that is needed and will deliver the KI to all organs of your body, including the thyroid gland.  This is easy to do, can be done just before bed, you don't have to worry about taking too much.  The acupuncture meridian lines loop through the feet and are very effective for delivery of herbs, oils & natural remedies.

High Iodine Diet

People in North America eat about 240 micrograms of  Iodine   daily.
People in Japan eat about 12 milligrams  (mg) daily or about 50 times more than North Americans.

Most Americans are iodine deficient and would need to consume 12.5 mg a day for 1 year in order to have sufficient whole body iodine levels.

The Japanese eat lots of seaweed and other  
sea vegetables   which protect them from the harmful effects of radioactive iodine.  For thyroid protection they should not need to take additional iodine supplements.  Their abundant consumption of iodine rich foods helps their thyroid but more will be needed to protect their other organs from radiation damage.

High Iodine FoodsLevels of iodine in animal products will vary depending on the type of food given to the animal.  This is an even more critical time to avoid grain fed, or soy fed animals.  Soy is a goitrogen which will prevent iodine uptake into your thyroid gland.

   *  Consuming foods rich in  
natural iodine   helps protect the uptake of radioactive iodine-131
Iron  inhibits the absorption of plutonium
Vitamin B12  inhibits cobalt
   *  Sulfur is a preventative for sulfur-35, a product of nuclear reactors.
  I now include 1 tsp of  MSM  also beneficial for improved concentration, pain relief for headaches, arthritis or other inflammation, gastrointestinal relief, improved hair and nail growth, considered to be anti-aging, helps with increased wound healing, improves metabolism and insulin resistence.Eating these natural healthy foods will help supply sufficient iodine and boost other mineral levels.  This is a very important time to ensure that you are eating organic food rather than pesticide sprayed or false foods. Iodine concentrations differ and are found to some degree in every living plant and animal.

Best Natural Iodine Sources (多天然典的食物)

   *  Chlorella,  Bladderwrack,   sea vegetables,  Kelp,  Dulse
   *  blueberries, bananas, prunes, watermelon
   *  asparagus, garlic, onions, eggplant, oats
   *  papayas, pineapples, mangoes
   *  eggs, liver,  
raw goat milk,   yogurt, salmon
   *  green peppers,  
Cilantro  Swiss chard,   14 Organic Greens,  tomatoes

11 則留言:

  1. 現在,輻射污染是必須正視的問題,有一些食物今後不建議食用

  2. 回Vincent,
    亞洲人的糧食唔少得黃豆產品呢, 而我最鍾意食的是阻典吸收食物, 所以一定要慢慢改飲食習慣, 轉食多 d 食有典食物 !

  3. 英國呢度我仔女都唔可以無左微波爐, 乜都要快叮一叮 !
    我在香港就會全用水蒸熱, 個微波爐十幾年都無用過啦 !

  4. 我對叮叮食物很抗拒的. 寧願吃涼了的食物也不叮. 公司多年爭取才買一個大蒸爐, 為了大家健康

  5. 螺旋藻含大量碘,但要小心選擇出產地

  6. 帶飯返工我用保溫瓶,避免使用微波爐

  7. Lisa姐近排點呀?

  8. 來到英國忙於買食送, 煮飯, 洗衫熨衫吸塵 ! 只可以在起身食早餐個段時間寫d野, 之後晚飯後上網大家在香港都訓左 !

    呢次仔女聚合, 帶來歡樂也帶來感冒菌, 因為佢地個個都在咳, 還以為我同老公有免疫, 點知一星期後先發作, 所以我依家病左兩日, 只有老公沒病 XDDD !

    今日十號, 但BB沒有出世跡象 ! 所以還在等等等 !

  9. 個邊D house 好大喎.........吸塵....幾個鐘都吸唔完!
    咁你番過黎香港都可能會病......係腰骨痛之類既辛勞病 ^_^


  10. Lisa 姐,
    Take care~

    真係辛苦你. 話唔定你呢頭講完, 果頭就出世 XD.

  11. 回猛虎勇士,
    吸塵唔係問題, 而是我在香港只是煮俾兩個人食,午餐又是老公搞掂 依家要煮俾四大一小食飯, 一日兩餐, 所以好似日日只在整野食 XDDD !
