2012年7月31日 星期二

銀將來會貴過金 ?

文章說, 銀的出產會愈來愈少, 因為地面的藏銀好快就會掘完, 而愈深的藏銀就需消耗愈多資源; 在同時減少產量的原油, 價格會上升, 所以將來出產的銀, 價格也會上升 !

黃金的出產一樣會受資源價格影響, 不過銀的產量比黃金少, 所以將來的價格升幅會比黃金高 !

www.silverdoctors.com 全文

Why Is Silver Supply More At Risk Than Gold?

The focus of the markets and the alternative media is firmly placed on the continued disintegration of the world financial system. Many believe that the collapse of the fiat monetary system along with the global banking cartel is the worst possible outcome. However, this may actually turn out to be the good news in a sea of bad news that is lurking around the corner.

As the world’s attention is currently directed at its massive paper-debt dilemma, a physical problem looms larger each passing day. This is what I call, the brontosaurus in the living room. The information provided in this article may help connect the dots to the reader who has been grossly misinformed by the highly specialized analysts in the various industries and media.

In the future as tens of trillions of dollars of debt masqueraded as wealth implodes, there will be a stampede into the best safe havens available — the precious metals. Many believe gold will play the major roll in this upcoming transfer of wealth. While this may be true, silver could actually turn out to be the better choice when we consider the factors presented in this article.

The inspiration to write this article came while I visited several historic mining towns in Utah. One of these mines was the Horn Silver Mine located in Frisco, Utah. After spending most of the day looking at the remains of the town, its old kilns and the abandoned mine, I began to wonder how much silver was produced there and what were the size of its ore grades.

Now that we have an idea on how present silver ore grades have declined compared the silver mines in the previous century, let’s take a look at the future.

Future world energy constraints will impact the production of silver in a larger degree than gold. As the world finally catches on to the fact that silver production will decline greater in percentage than gold, its value will more than likely increase to a greater extent than gold.

2012年7月30日 星期一


去睇 apmex, 在銀幣區見到加拿大 25仙靚靚幣, 但我之前好似在加拿大Mint 見過呢類幣不是銀幣, 所以再去加拿大Mint 睇清楚 :


Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 25-Cent Coloured Coin (2012)

  • No117753
  • Mintage20000
  • Compositioncupronickel
  • Finishspecimen with colour
  • Weight (g) 12.61
  • Diameter (mm) 35
  • Edgeplain
  • Certificateserialized
  • Face value25 cents


呢類幣是銅加金屬, 所以不是銀幣, 而 apmex 不寫清楚, 有少少混水摸魚 !


Silver Pocket Club 團購價 530蚊 (謝旺旺和 Samuel)

發行量 8,000 枚

特別是因為有中國概念, 又是送禮好意頭, 只是個木盒都值回個價 !

Kitco 賣 698蚊1枚, 因為貨搶手, 所以大家沒買的要快手啦 !

  LPM 賣 680蚊1枚搶生意 !

Silver Britannia Mintage Figures

2009 年 Britannia, 本來在英國都買咗, 450蚊1枚, 但已派俾三個仔女, 所以見到旺旺只賣 400蚊又買咗啦, 何況英國個邊在我買後突加價3英鎊1枚 ! 所以想買的人要快手 :
www.silverpocketclub.com, 而是用原廠包裝的夾片, 所以是價平貨實 !


2001年 Britannia 587蚊

                              2007年 Britannia 537蚊

舊幣價格升好多, 所以只可以當收藏幣來儲; 其實成個系, 本人覺呢兩款最靚 !

2012年 Britannia 在 www.apmex.com 2011年12月中團購 HKD 307.36(連運費和匯費)


Silver Britannia 1oz Coins

Britannia 2011 .......................... 100,000.......Billowing Union Flag
Britannia 2010 .......................... 100,000.......Corinthian Helmet
Britannia 2009 .......................... 100,000.......Chariot
Britannia 2008 .......................... 100,000.......Britannia on the Beach
Britannia 2007 .......................... 100,000.......Seated Britannia & Lion
Britannia 2006 .......................... 100,000.......Standing Britannia
Britannia 2005 .......................... 100,000.......Seated Britannia
Britannia 2004 .......................... 100,000.......Standing Britannia
Britannia 2003 ........................... 73,271........Britannia's Helmet
Britannia 2002 ........................... 48,816........Standing Britannia
Britannia 2001 ........................... 44,816........Una and the Lion
Britannia 2000 ........................... 81,301........Standing Britannia
Britannia 1999 ........................... 69,394........Chariot
Britannia 1998 ........................... 88,909........Standing Britannia

Proof Britannia 1oz Coins

Britannia 2011 .......................... 2,500..........Billowing Union Flag
Britannia 2010 .......................... 2,500..........Corinthian Helmet
Britannia 2009 .......................... 2,500..........Chariot
Britannia 2008 .......................... 2,500..........Britannia on the Beach
Britannia 2007 .......................... 2,500..........Seated Britannia & Lion
Britannia 2006 .......................... 2,500..........Standing Britannia
Britannia 2005 .......................... 1,539..........Seated Britannia
Britannia 2004 .......................... 2,174..........Standing Britannia
Britannia 2003 .......................... 2,016..........Britannia's Helmet
Britannia 2001 .......................... 3,047..........Una and the Lion
Britannia 1998 .......................... 2,168..........Standing Britannia
Britannia 1997 .......................... 4,173..........Standing Britannia

Proof Britannia Sets (4 coin set)

Britannia 2011 .......................... 2,500..........Billowing Union Flag
Britannia 2010 .......................... 2,500..........Corinthian Helmet
Britannia 2009 .......................... 2,500..........Chariot
Britannia 2008 .......................... 2,500..........Britannia on the Beach
Britannia 2005 .......................... 2,360..........Seated Britannia
Britannia 2003 .......................... 3,669..........Britannia's Helmet
Britannia 2001 .......................... 4,596..........Una and the Lion
Britannia 1998 .......................... 3,044..........Standing Britannia
Britannia 1997 .......................... 11,832........Standing Britannia
Mint...................Royal Mint
Weight...............32.45 Grams
Diameter...........40 mm
Thickness.......... 3 mm
Purity................958 Silver

2012年7月27日 星期五

New Armenian Silver Coin Commemorates Noah’s Ark

由英國帶返來啦, 舊年買的1盎司2011年亞美尼亞銀幣, 全部無損傷, 雖然是買貴咗 ! 想買的人可以去幫襯旺旺或 Ivan !

2011年半盎司亞美尼亞銀幣, 大過1蚊港幣少少, 但厚好多, 167蚊, 謝 Silver Coin Story

2011 1/2 oz Silver Noah's Ark
Denomination:       200 Dram
Diameter:     27.66 mm
Thickness:     3 mm

2011 1 oz Silver Noah's Ark
Denomination:       500 Dram
Diameter:     38.5 mm
Thickness:     2.8 mm

Armenia 新投資幣 !


Posted by Contributor on August 17, 2011

The coin has a nominal value of 500 dram (equivalent to about $1.40 US or 1 euro) and is dated 2011. Each coin contains 1 troy ounce (31.1 grams) of 999 fine (essentially pure) silver, and is about 38.6 mm. in diameter.

According to a press release from coininvestdirect.com, the Noah’s Ark coin is produced by a private mint in Germany. The coin obverse carries the hallmark LEV of the Leipziger Edelmetall Verarbeitung (Leipzig Precious Metals Factory). LEV and CoinInvestDirect certify that the metal used to mint the coin has met the standards established by the London Bullion Market Association.

The new coin is available in wholesale quantities of 20 and 500 coins. Orders for the latter quantity are supplied with a sturdy and convenient wooden storage box. According to CoinInvestDirect, other sizes of the new bullion coin are planned to be released in the near future. Coins in ¼ and ½ ounce sizes will be available at the end of 2011, and large coins (5 oz., 10 oz., 1 kg., and 5 kg.) will be available in 2012.


The maximum mintages for 2011 dated coins are:

    1/4 oz - 500,000

    1/2 oz - 500,000

    1oz - 8,000,000

Republic of Armenia's Noah's Ark Bullion Coin Series

2011 Final Mintage Figures

1 oz.
Maximum authorized mintage: 8,000,000
Declared (final) mintage: 351,145

1/2 oz
Maximum authorized mintage: 500,000
Declared (final) mintage: 33,965

1/4 oz
Maximum authorized mintage: 500,000
Declared (final) mintage: 46,679

Note 1: Minting of 2011 dated coins is now closed and no further 2011 dated coins will be produced.

Note 2: 5oz, 10oz, 1kg and 5kg coins were introduced in January 2012. No coins in these weights bear the 2011 date.

- The "scratched sun" imperfection on some 2011 dated coins is the result of a production error at the mint where the sun area of the original, master die was cut too deep. The reverse of the 2011 1/4 oz, 1/2oz and 1oz coins were all created from the same master die, hence the higher relief area of the sun is present in all three sized coins and this can result in scratch marks of the surface area of the sun.

- This production issue was identified by the mint and has been rectified during the process of cutting new dies for the new 2012 dated coins.

- Not all 2011 dated coins are affected by the "scratched sun" imperfection. Investigations have revealed that one coin in every tube of 20 - the coin located at the very bottom of the tube - is significantly less likely to be affected by scratch marks on the sun area. Mint-sealed tubes may also contain more unscratched coins, however the nature of the imperfection means that further occurrences in the same tube are less likely.

 Ivan 之前收到的Noah's Ark 1盎司銀幣有少少損傷是因為鑄廠的問題, 而唔係幣商的問題, 但半盎司的應該無問題的 !

本人舊年已叫女兒在英國買咗2011年1盎司的, 所以沒知賣相如何 ? 當時銀價在 35美元, 所以再加20%消售稅和貴英鎊, 本人買入價是 405蚊1枚 !

旱災連鎖效應 明年糧價料漲4%


 美國中西部80%農田傳出災情,將到平直食物及飼料價格上升,連帶雞蛋、牛奶、牛肉、家禽肉類、豬 肉等受衝擊。農業部估計,明年牛肉漲幅最大,達4%至5%;乳製品價格上漲3.5%至4.5%;家禽肉類與雞蛋升3%至4%,豬肉亦有2.5%至3.5% 漲幅。


2012年7月25日 星期三


都係個句 : 龍床不及狗竇 !

差些以為十號風球返唔到家 !

金銀真俾面又上返去啦, 但剛才出去買野食, 樣樣野都加咗價 !

2012年7月18日 星期三

Peter Schiff: The Real Crash

記住: 李居明說過, 2014年會是最差的一年 !


Euro Pacific Capital’s Peter Schiff tells Yahoo that the US is heading for a crash that will make the 2008 crisis look ‘like a walk in the park’ in comparison.
Schiff rightly lays the blame for the crisis at the feet of the Fed and states their response of continual easing to previous downturns will eventually result in a massive financial collapse. .

‘We’ve got a much bigger collapse coming, and not just of the markets but of the economy. It’s like what you’re seeing in Europe right now, only worse.‘



香港文匯報訊 綜合《廣州日報》及《泰晤士報》報道 2012倫敦奧運會即將開幕。全球大量遊客在今年七八月份將湧入倫敦,倫敦的酒店不僅價格飛漲數倍,而且預訂十分困難。據中國駐英國大使劉曉明透露,據預測,奧運會前後中國內地及港澳台地區赴英觀賽、旅遊人數將達25萬。

2012年7月17日 星期二

家保未必全賠 部分要墊底費


香港文匯報訊(實習記者 馮瀚林)消費者委員會過去2年收到26宗有關家居保險的索償、收費和銷售手法的投訴,今年上半年亦收到8宗投訴。消委會跟進市面多個家居保險的計劃,發現「家居財物保險」原來設有「墊底費」,而投保人需額外付出200元至1,000元不等,並發現家居保險的保障範圍不會包括因自然災害和家居老化而造成的家居財物的損失。

2012年7月14日 星期六


  • Mintage588888
  • Composition99.99% pure silver
  • Finishspecimen
  • Weight (g) 15.87
  • Diameter (mm) 34
  • Edgeserrated
  • Certificateserialized
  • Face value10 dollars
  • ArtistThree Degrees Creative Group Inc. (reverse), Susanna Blunt (obverse)

Royal Canadian Mint
29.95 CAD

原來加拿大 Mint 加左價, 依家賣 34.95 CAD

Silver Coin Story Ivan 有貨賣 320蚊一枚

2012年7月12日 星期四

2012 1/4 oz Silver Canadian $20 Polar Bear Coin in COA Card

2012 1/4 oz 加拿大 9999 北極熊, 200蚊, 在 Silver Coin Story 買

Denomination: $20
9999 pure silver
weight : 7.96 g
Diameter: 27 mm
mintage : 250,000
Finish : specimen
Edge : serrated

Ivan 已夠醒, 有晚我都在貼文說 Kitco 賣 288蚊, 但 apmex 賣緊20美元, 咁就俾 Ivan 買咗幾枚平幣, 但可惜佢只買咗少少, 之後 apmex 加價去到 29.99美元, 而依家又減緊價, 所以大家須留意, 去到 20美元附近又可以掃貨 !

星期六我去國際錢幣見到佢都有賣, 老闆娘開價 380蚊 ! 我說朋友賣俾我 200蚊姐, 而佢說無可能賣咁平的 !

呢隻幣當收藏幣一隻半隻買好啦, 因為1盎司來計已去到 800蚊啦 !

貼文 2012-05-06, 修改 2012-07-12

好多人以為 1/4盎司 20加幣銀幣可以去銀行換返 20加紙, 原來是唔可以的, 所以買來只可以當收藏幣, 而唔係投資銀幣 !


20 for 20 coins are NOT accepted at Canadian banks!
You heard it right - the coins with $20 face are not accepted at any Canadian bank! Today I went to CIBC- had a small urgent expence, and unfortunately no cash in my posession. I was thinking that it will be a lot easier to explain to banking officer that this coin is a legal tender..rather than to try to accomplish the same thing with Ahmed at the gas station LOL. Teller refused to exchange this coin for a $20 bill, and I called for a branch manager. Well, I wasn't succesful at explaining to this FOOL that this is a LEGAL TENDER, and the bank MUST ACCEPT IT! He suggested to go to the coin shop..
Well, I went to Royal Bank of Canada ...went directly to the branch manager and she said the following (the most foolish and stupid explanation I ever heard in my life) : This is silver, not the money..even though it has $20 face value. This is a collectable item, and can only be of interest at the pawn shop. Since this coin is made of silver, its not the money and we'll not accept it".

2012年7月9日 星期一


本人和老公都已離開倫敦去大仔屋企住兩個星期, 而因為大新袍剛停工, 所以依家本人游手好閒, 只坐係度等食飯 !

英國天氣時晴時陰, 所以要等好天先同老公走去 Town Centre 行下 ! 呢個小鎮本人是來過好幾次, 所以並不陌生 !

2012年7月6日 星期五

Central Banks Helpless As Denmark Goes NIRP, Cuts Deposit Rate To NEGATIVE 0.2%

如果銀行負利率, 你的錢還會放銀行嗎 ?
睇來實物只會愈升愈有 !


A few days ago we noted that the ECB may well be contemplating the monetary neutron bomb, which would see it lower rates to below zero, ushering in a Negative Interest Rate Policy. Today, Mario Draghi cut such speculation short promising the ECB has not discussed this. Yet one bank which certainly has is the Danish Central Bank, which just lowered its Discount Rate to 0%, joining China, England, the ECB, and, of course, Kenya in easing, but also went one step further and cut its deposit rate to negative 0.2%. Keep a note of this: NIRP is coming to a central bank, and shortly thereafter to a bank deposit branch, near you very soon.



2012-05-14 美元價1580 飾金價16180/14550 金粒/金條價15360/14690  銀美元價28.73
2012-05-15 美元價1553 飾金價15930/14320 金粒/金條價15100/14440  銀美元價28.069
2012-05-24 美元價1560 飾金價15950/14340 金粒/金條價15120/14460  銀美元價27.842
2012-07-05 美元價1616 飾金價16530/14850 金粒/金條價15650/14970  銀美元價28.255
2012-07-26 美元價1605 飾金價16380/14730 金粒/金條價15530/14850  銀美元價27.37
2012-08-21 美元價1622 飾金價16500/14830 金粒/金條價15680/15000  銀美元價28.67
2012-08-23 美元價1663 飾金價16900/15180 金粒/金條價16080/15380  銀美元價30.25
2012-09-03 美元價1690 飾金價17230/15480 金粒/金條價16320/15610  銀美元價31.73
2012-09-10 美元價1738 飾金價17730/15930 金粒/金條價16790/16060  銀美元價33.8
2012-09-14 美元價1774 飾金價18080/16250 金粒/金條價17150/16400  銀美元價34.82
2012-09-28 美元價1780 飾金價18150/16330 金粒/金條價17220/16470  銀美元價34.7
2012-10-05 美元價1794 飾金價18300/16450 金粒/金條價17340/16580  銀美元價35.07
2012-10-15 美元價1747 飾金價17780/15980 金粒/金條價16920/16180  銀美元價33.23
2012-10-16 美元價1740 飾金價17700/15900 金粒/金條價16860/16120  銀美元價32.83
2012-10-17 美元價1751 飾金價17850/16050 金粒/金條價16930/16190  銀美元價33.07
2012-11-05 美元價1678 飾金價17130/15400 金粒/金條價16280/15570  銀美元價30.81
2012-11-07 美元價1726 飾金價17430/15680 金粒/金條價16680/15950  銀美元價32.25
2012-11-09 美元價1734 飾金價17680/15880 金粒/金條價16750/16020  銀美元價32.34
2012-11-26 美元價1748 飾金價17880/16080 金粒/金條價16920/16180  銀美元價34.02
2012-12-14 美元價1696 飾金價17300/15550 金粒/金條價16410/15690  銀美元價32.54
2012-12-21 美元價1646 飾金價16950/15100 金粒/金條價16020/15320  銀美元價29.84
2012-12-31 美元價1659 飾金價17050/15180 金粒/金條價16130/15430  銀美元價30.16
2013-01-02 美元價1677 飾金價17200/15330 金粒/金條價16270/15560  銀美元價30.50
2013-01-04 美元價1628 飾金價17000/15150 金粒/金條價16020/15320  銀美元價29.23
2013-01-11 美元價1673 飾金價17230/15330 金粒/金條價16280/15570  銀美元價30.77


2013-02-23 美元價1581 飾金價16300/14500 金粒/金條價15410/14740  銀美元價28.76
2013-02-27 美元價1611 飾金價16630/14800 金粒/金條價15700/15020  銀美元價29.26
2013-03-18 美元價1603 飾金價16600/14780 金粒/金條價15610/14930  銀美元價28.80
2013-04-03 美元價1567 飾金價16330/14550 金粒/金條價15250/14590  銀美元價27.05
2013-04-05 美元價1551 飾金價16050/14300 金粒/金條價15120/14460  銀美元價26.82
2013-04-15 美元價1439 飾金價15430/13750 金粒/金條價14090/13480  銀美元價24.55
2013-04-22 美元價1422 飾金價14850/13250 金粒/金條價14060/13450  銀美元價23.35
2013-04-25 美元價1444 飾金價15350/13680 金粒/金條價14250/13640  銀美元價23.35
2013-04-26 美元價1481 飾金價15780/14100 金粒/金條價14640/14010  銀美元價24.56
2013-05-06 美元價1477 飾金價15700/14030 金粒/金條價14520/13890  銀美元價24.20
2013-05-08 美元價1455 飾金價15480/13850 金粒/金條價14380/13760  銀美元價23.91
2013-05-13 美元價1429 飾金價15350/13730 金粒/金條價14100/13490  銀美元價23.56
2013-05-15 美元價1412 飾金價15200/13600 金粒/金條價13980/13380  銀美元價22.95
2013-05-18 美元價1360 飾金價14550/13000 金粒/金條價13430/12850  銀美元價22.26
2013-05-20 美元價1344 飾金價14400/12880 金粒/金條價13300/12730  銀美元價21.22
2013-05-21 美元價1391 飾金價14830/13250 金粒/金條價13700/13110  銀美元價22.70
2013-06-04 美元價1410 飾金價15080/13480 金粒/金條價13910/13310  銀美元價22.63
2013-06-07 美元價1412 飾金價15100/13500 金粒/金條價13930/13330  銀美元價22.74
2013-06-08 美元價1384 飾金價14780/13200 金粒/金條價13630/12980  銀美元價21.69
2013-06-19 美元價1366 飾金價14600/13050 金粒/金條價13490/12840  銀美元價21.58
2013-06-20 美元價1343 飾金價14330/12800 金粒/金條價13230/12600  銀美元價21.10
2013-06-26 美元價1252 飾金價13500/11950 金粒/金條價12350/11760  銀美元價19.01
2013-06-27 美元價1242 飾金價13380/11850 金粒/金條價12230/11640  銀美元價18.92
2013-06-28 美元價1202 飾金價13000/11530 金粒/金條價11850/11280  銀美元價18.75
2013-07-01 美元價1259 飾金價13550/12000 金粒/金條價12380/11780  銀美元價19.74
2013-07-08 美元價1220 飾金價13230/11730 金粒/金條價12000/11410  銀美元價18.78
2013-07-11 美元價1287 飾金價13880/12300 金粒/金條價12660/12050  銀美元價19.94
2013-07-22 美元價1320 飾金價14150/12550 金粒/金條價12910/12280  銀美元價20.01
2013-07-23 美元價1335 飾金價14380/12750 金粒/金條價13080/12440  銀美元價20.46
2013-07-24 美元價1341 飾金價14480/12830 金粒/金條價13170/12530  銀美元價20.33
2013-08-07 美元價1276 飾金價13730/12180 金粒/金條價12560/11940  銀美元價19.42
2013-08-09 美元價1315 飾金價14130/12530 金粒/金條價12890/12270  銀美元價20.18
2013-08-15 美元價1337 飾金價14430/12800 金粒/金條價13160/12510  銀美元價21.92
2013-08-16 美元價1367 飾金價14680/13000 金粒/金條價13370/12720  銀美元價23.04
2013-08-19 美元價1381 飾金價14800/13130 金粒/金條價13500/12850  銀美元價23.26
2013-08-28 美元價1417 飾金價15200/13480 金粒/金條價13850/13170  銀美元價24.53
2013-09-13 美元價1322 飾金價14250/12630 金粒/金條價13030/12400  銀美元價21.90
2013-10-15 美元價1269 飾金價13650/12100 金粒/金條價12450/11840  銀美元價21.11
2013-10-18 美元價1315 飾金價14130/12530 金粒/金條價12910/12280  銀美元價21.74
2013-10-23 美元價1340 飾金價14380/12750 金粒/金條價13110/12470  銀美元價22.65
2013-10-29 美元價1355 飾金價14530/12880 金粒/金條價13250/12610  銀美元價22.51
2013-11-11 美元價1286 飾金價13830/12250 金粒/金條價12610/11990  銀美元價21.32
2013-11-21 美元價1247 飾金價13400/11880 金粒/金條價12220/11620  銀美元價19.82
2013-12-03 美元價1224 飾金價13130/11650 金粒/金條價11970/11380  銀美元價19.30
2013-12-20 美元價1194 飾金價12830/11380 金粒/金條價11710/11140  銀美元價19.17
2013-12-31 美元價1199 飾金價12880/11430 金粒/金條價11740/11160  銀美元價19.42
2013-12-31 美元價1224 飾金價12950/11480 金粒/金條價11950/11370  銀美元價19.94
2014-01-13 美元價1251 飾金價13400/11880 金粒/金條價12210/11620  銀美元價20.22
2014-01-25 美元價1269 飾金價13630/12080 金粒/金條價12440/11840  銀美元價19.91
2014-02-12 美元價1287 飾金價13830/12250 金粒/金條價12610/12000  銀美元價20.16
2014-02-17 美元價1326 飾金價14150/12550 金粒/金條價12980/12350  銀美元價21.75
2014-02-26 美元價1340 飾金價14350/12730 金粒/金條價13120/12480  銀美元價21.90
2014-03-03 美元價1346 飾金價14400/12750 金粒/金條價13180/12540  銀美元價21.58
2014-03-07 美元價1350 飾金價14480/12830 金粒/金條價13190/12540  銀美元價21.46
2014-03-13 美元價1371 飾金價14680/13000 金粒/金條價13380/12720  銀美元價21.40
2014-03-21 美元價1333 飾金價14300/12680 金粒/金條價13040/12400  銀美元價20.37
2014-03-25 美元價1312 飾金價14080/12480 金粒/金條價12830/12200  銀美元價20.0
2014-04-23 美元價1283 飾金價13800/12230 金粒/金條價12560/11940  銀美元價19.44
2014-05-28 美元價1264 飾金價13530/12000 金粒/金條價12380/11780  銀美元價19.06
2014-06-16 美元價1280 飾金價13700/12150 金粒/金條價12490/11890  銀美元價19.79
2014-06-20 美元價1311 飾金價14100/12500 金粒/金條價12870/12240  銀美元價20.62
2014-07-02 美元價1326 飾金價14200/12580 金粒/金條價12950/12320  銀美元價20.99
2014-07-11 美元價1336 飾金價14330/12700 金粒/金條價13060/12430  銀美元價21.40
2014-09-22 美元價1214 飾金價13030/11550 金粒/金條價11840/11270  銀美元價17.66
2014-10-09 美元價1224 飾金價13080/11600 金粒/金條價11950/11380  銀美元價17.39
2014-10-13 美元價1232 飾金價13200/11700 金粒/金條價12040/11460  銀美元價17.53
2014-10-30 美元價1204 飾金價13030/11550 金粒/金條價11870/11300  銀美元價16.80
2014-11-03 美元價1167 飾金價12500/11080 金粒/金條價11450/10920  銀美元價15.88
2014-11-07 美元價1132 飾金價12250/10850 金粒/金條價11160/10620  銀美元價15.13
2014-11-19 美元價1198 飾金價12830/11380 金粒/金條價11700/11140  銀美元價16.17
2014-12-01 美元價1152 飾金價12380/10980 金粒/金條價11280/10740  銀美元價14.94
2014-12-12 美元價1221 飾金價13180/11680 金粒/金條價11980/11410  銀美元價17.06
2014-12-31 美元價1201 飾金價12900/11430 金粒/金條價11770/11210  銀美元價16.24

2012年7月4日 星期三


金價: 1621
銀價: 28.31
澳元: 1.028
歐元: 1.261
英鎊: 1.569
加幣: 1.012

股市雖然好返, 但 RSI 又在高位, 所以對股市還是有防範 !

2012年7月2日 星期一

Greyerz - Greatest Financial Collapse The World Has Ever Seen


With global stock markets trading in the red, today Egon von Greyerz told King World News that investors are going to witness the greatest financial collapse the world has ever seen.  Egon von Greyerz, who is founder and managing partner at Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, also said, “...investors are under the illusion that the system will continue, but it won’t.”  Here is what Greyerz had to say about the the financial collapse:  “As always, Eric, I’m focusing on the big picture.  We are in a crisis, and the outcome is absolutely certain.  What is not certain is how we get there.  The problem is it’s not only one crisis, it’s a number of crises.  We have the first one which is the sovereign crisis.”

Egon von Greyerz continues:  

“Almost every single major country in the world is bankrupt, and no one has the tools or a plan to get these countries out of this crisis.  So countries will go bankrupt by default or by printing excessive money.  This situation will continue to get worse and ultimately lead to a hyperinflationary depression.

Then you have the banking crisis.  The banks are insolvent and they are also in a liquidity crisis.  And this is, again, worldwide.  There is no way the banks will be able to survive this without massive assistance.  This is a banking crisis of the magnitude which will amount to trillions of dollars, and if we take the whole of the derivative positions, it could be hundreds of trillions of dollars because of the counterparty risks.

The third crisis is the economic crisis.  Every single country is suffering tremendously and economic figures are continuing to deteriorate, whether it’s in the US, in Europe, China or Japan.  This crisis will also lead to a depression.
Any of these three crises is sufficient to bring the world down because they are not just in one country, they are worldwide....
The three crises together are guaranteed to bring down the world economy.

The fourth crisis that will come out of this will be the social crisis because people are suffering today.  Most people can hardly afford to live today because the costs of their food, fuel and housing are so expensive.  This will lead to more social unrest.

All of these factors are why this will be the most serious depression the world has ever experienced.  The problem is not having a gold standard, which has meant that the world economy has lost its integrity and honesty.  That’s what’s happening now, we have a dishonest financial system.  So we have a world without values.”

Greyerz also added:  “Europe is in a crisis, but they can never decide anything in these meetings.  They might come out with a little package, but in the end it will be irrelevant.  The real package will come out when there is panic.  We shouldn’t even listen to what these politicians are saying today because they are incapable of facing the truth.

Many countries in Europe are already bankrupt, such as Greece, Spain, Italy, and many others are on the way to bankruptcy such as France, the UK, etc..  In the short-term Europe will hold together.  Longer-term the EU will break up and the euro will disappear, but shorter-term it’s not going to happen. 

Right now investors have the illusion that things are actually okay because the stock market is near the recent highs.  The reality is the stock market is not near the highs because it’s down 80% vs gold in the last 10 years.  The other problem is the bond market which is the biggest bubble right now.  Who wants to buy government bonds and earn zero to 2% from bankrupt governments?  There will be a guaranteed collapse of the bond market.

So, in reality, investors are under the illusion that the system will continue, but it won’t.  This is why investors have to focus on protecting their wealth.  I’m still of the firm opinion that the only investment that will protect investors purchasing power is physical gold, stored outside of the banking system. 

Gold cannot be printed, it cannot be destroyed, and it will continue to act as money as this crisis deteriorates even further.  We now have the BIS proposing that gold should be part of Tier-1 capital.  This means that gold, as Tier-1 capital, will involve zero percent risk.  Up to now it’s been counted as having a 50% risk.

Therefore, it is likely that a lot of the central banks and international banks are going to increase their investment in gold.  This could have a major effect on the demand for gold in the next couple of years.

So in the short-term gold is like a bouncing ball.  The swings are getting smaller and smaller.  The price of gold has simply gone sideways for ten months, but now the range is narrowing.  While gold may experience short-term pressure, the next big move is going to be on the upside, and investors need to be positioned for that.”