2012年9月25日 星期二


早排搵到的假金條, 來源來之一間中國鎢廠, 原本用來當導具, 竟然俾人當真金賣 !

(好多月前見到大陸有間商埸展出金條俾人偷走, 報導說, 五條金條只有一條是真金條)

所以大家買實金實銀要小心, 唔想買到假野 :

1. 唔好買太大塊的實金實銀, 就算買到假野都無咁傷 !

2. 買新上市產品好過買好流行的舊款式, 因為新上市無咁快有假野(2012中國1盎司銀熊貓沒上市已有假, 而 PM 2012 1盎司銀龍在半年後都出假幣, 所以PM可能防假唔俾沒上市的幣流出圖案), 所以第一時間由可靠來源買到的新幣是安心好多的 ! 少有的新款式更加可靠, 但唔可以在 ebay 買從來沒見過的款式, 而賣家又有大量貨賣  !

3. 多留意網上訊息, 避大量買入已知有假貨的款式, 就算價錢好優惠 ! YouTube 有好多 fake silver coins 影片 !


Yesterday news broke that at least 10 tungsten filled 10 oz PAMP gold bars have been discovered in Manhattan’s jewelry district.

Apparently Louis Vuitton & Coach bags aren’t the only thing being counter-fitted by the Chinese, as thanks to Microsoft translator, SD has discovered a Chinese firm SPECIALIZING IN PRODUCING TUNGSTEN FILLED GOLD BARS & COINS!!

Not only will the firm openly mint fake gold coins and bars, but they will apparently mint them to order by request!: ‘Chinatungsten could offer gold-plated tungsten alloy coin by different gold with engraving or stamping. Clients can forward their own design, then Chinatungsten could design and make mold accordingly
The firm states that the fake gold coins and bars are ‘only for gift, present, handicraft, and never could be used for any illegal purpose‘ .  Yes, obviously the fake gold products could never be used fraudulently because they kindly ask their customers not to use their tungsten filled gold products illegally.

The firm explains how fake gold bars are made, and goes so far as to claim that tungsten gold has many advantages over gold, which we suppose is true for those wishing to scam others into purchasing fake gold.

4 則留言:

  1. 收到...真係要小心D留意呀!


  2. Macy只會買新出的金銀幣,舊的金銀幣已經好耐無買了,銀條金粒只買利昌的貨,希望不會買到假東東啦 !!

  3. 係啊..最近係 FB 有人幫人買銀啊. 唔會會唔會係呢 D 呢 ?

  4. 回花無百日紅,
    只要自己買幣小心D啦, PAMP 都假 >.<
