2012年9月1日 星期六

PM 重鑄問題

原來驚咗一排都多餘的, 因為以下網指出, The other sizes (1/2oz, 2oz, 5oz, 10oz) are unlimited in mintage, but production ends at the end of the year they are dated,

所以在金銀幣發行年完結後, 唔會再出新鑄的, 公斤幣除外 !

笑翠鳥重鑄是因為早排, 限量發行的 300,000 沒達標, 所以新鑄鑄夠限量額 ! 2011年和2012年的笑翠鳥發行量是 500,000, 不過2013年的笑翠鳥發行量會加大去到一百萬枚 !


The Lunar Series Gold & Silver Bullion Series Coins (Year of the Snake) will come with the usual 30,000 limit for 1oz Gold coins and 300,000 limit for 1oz Silver, although as pointed out on my blog they have used Privy Marks to work around these imposed mintage limits. The other sizes (1/2oz, 2oz, 5oz, 10oz) are unlimited in mintage, but production ends at the end of the year they are dated (2013), except for the kilo bullion Snake which can be produced until the Series 2 Lunar Coin set is finished later this decade.
The Kookaburra Series Bullion Coins are minted in various sizes, the 1oz coin is limited to 1,000,000 this year, where in 2011/2012 it was limited to 500,000 and 1990-2010 it was limited to 300,000 coins. Earlier this year to the dismay of collectors who weren't aware of Perth Mint's ability to do so, they started re-minting previous years up to their set limit, I covered this on the blog here. While you can continue to buy this earlier years (which have mintage less than a third of the 2013 coin) it would make more sense to be buying these while they are available.

The Koala Series Bullion Coin is unlimited in mintage, but can only be produced up to the end of the year it's dated, so once they've announced the final mintage for the year you know it won't change. Earlier years have started attracting a premium due to the low number minted, but 2011 saw sales go mental (as covered on the blog here). Sticking with the lower mintage Lunar & Kookaburra coins while they are available seems like a smarter move than buying the 1oz 2013 Koala whose mintage won't be known until after the end of 2013.

5 則留言:

  1. Lisa.
    看來我們之前斷推2安龍的方向正確了。 所以亦係spc推唔多size蛇的原因。

  2. 旺旺,
    一早叫你地推啦, 不過好多人說不用急 XD !
    銀價唔會成日向下行的, 所以一遇到銀價爆升, 就失去買平幣的機會 !
    但在賣幣方面, 一定要自己先買後賣, 而唔係先賣後買, 變相沽空風險大 !

    呢段文可以俾大家安心去買1盎司之外的銀幣啦 :)

  3. lisa

    我可以講。對於好似我地小户。要賣野。紀念幣都要同分銷商領妥價。落晒單先好做。而 bullion 就一定要全數俾晒先有貨。賣左先一夾升多多都唔夠蝕 : )

  4. 旺旺,
    咁我就安心啦, 賣金銀事小, 安全第一 :)
